Chapter 16 That was too close/frustration

Start from the beginning

I was doing the rest when my phone rang, I answered it without looking "hello?" I said into the phone

"Hey Khalil, I see you were calling me. My bad bro I was busy dealing with someone from the Jamaican mafia but it's fine now though"

"Oh alright well I'm having dinner in 20 mins I made rice paper rolls" I replied

"Hmm that sounds great I gotta tell Ria make that one of these days, anyway I'll see you soon" he hangs up


Ding dong

"Huh, it's probably Cas-" I stopped talking when I see Cole behind the door.

He grins "Is at least one ready?" He walks past me into the kitchen

I was shocked. Why was he here? He never comes to my home! Which is scaring me right now, that means he was already on his way here!

"Khalil, stop being a weirdo and feed me please" he spoke sitting on a stool to the kitchen table

I immediately snap out of whatever I was in and went to give him some of the rice paper rolls that were done.

"Here you go" I rest the plate down in front of him with three on it.

"Fancy, I didn't know you could cook" he says biting into it.

"Yeah I know because you guys always have the chef cook every meal for you all" I said eating some as well as I made more.

"True but that's because Ria can't cook" he said making me laugh.

"You kno-"

Knock knock knock !

Cole slowed his eating pace when he heard the knock "I was wondering when they were gonna knock jeez, Khalil I didn't know you have people scared to knock on your door" Cole said standing up and eating another rice paper roll but from the stove. I looked at his plate which was empty.

"Dude stop you're going to eat all" I said opening the door.

My eye's widened "H-Hey Cass what are you doing here?" I asked, why now? this really is a bad time I did not want him to meet Cole.

Anytime someone gets involve with Cole they get enemies because people are jealous, beside I don't think Cass wants to be watching his back everyday.

"I came over because I was hungry and I missed you" he said making me smile

"O-oh" I muttered "Come in"

When we got in I see Cole was already heading to the back door to leave, he probably didn't want Cass to see him since he doesn't know who he is.

His back was turned to me as he walked away "I'm gone Khalil, don't forget the Ryan and Maddox stuff you have to deal with. I bought your ticket for tomorrow at 8 pm"

"Okay, I will find them" I said to him but he does not reply, he left already.

I hear the front door close I'm guessing Cass closed it for me

"Who was that?" He asked going in the kitchen.

"That was a friend of mine who came over for business and ate some food"

"Hmm" he say picking up a rolled rice paper.

"Yeah" I said going to a stool to sit down

"This is good" I heard him say taking another bite of the same one he was eating.


He walks around the kitchen table and peck my lips, then again and again.

"I'm starting to think you have an obsession with my lips and not me" I smirked then frowned

He hits my chest lightly "I have an obsession with both you and your lips, Khalil"

I chuckle softly before turning serious "I want to dominate you, baby, I want you Cass"

He stares at me, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Not just yet my love, I'm gonna drive you crazy until you give yourself to me, Mr. Power Top" he said popping the 'P' then turning off the stove and kitchen lights, leading me up to the bedroom.

Once we were on my bed we began making out, he pulls from me to take in some air

He grips my crotch suddenly "I think you deserve punishment for your behavior, K. you brought a guy into your home, without my consent" he whispered.

I groaned out, God that was hot

he kisses my lips then comes off of me and sits up on the bed turning on the television.

What. the. fuck.

No, wait hold on I need to say this verbally and out loud ''What the fuck Cass?!'' I exclaim at him

''What?'' he asks looking at the Television

''My dick is hard as a fucking rock right now'' His eyes widened at my words and I can see a tint of redness on his cheek.

"Don't get shy now, fix this" I pointed downwards.

He doesn't say anything neither does he moves. Sucking in some air I turned away in anger.

"K-Khalil" he called out to me but I slammed bathroom door as I went in, not wanting to hear him at this time.

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