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Sasuke POV

It was Saturday morning or well afternoon when I woke up to the sound of my phone going off so I jumped up to answer it pissed bc I normally sleep in on Saturdays and I know my family was at home.


Oh um am I
bothering you?
You know what
Nvm I'm sorry.

Wait Naruto I'm sorry!

No it's fine

No really it's fine
you didn't know
I sleep in on

Are you sure

Yes positive

Okay well I just wanted
to see if you wanted to
maybe get lunch with me?

Sure what time

4 maybe?

Okay I'll see you there

Okay I'll send you the Cafe address

Alright see you later

See you later

I can't believe I yelled at him like that I should have checked the caller ID first. What time is it? 2:30!?! I need to get dressed so I can go!!

A few Moments later

I just have to get downstairs undetected and get out- (Light turned on) damn it "And where are you going" My mother asked "Especially with my keys" my father said  from behind me "Um I um" I'm committing suicide right now "I'm going to meet up with Naruto for lunch" I told them With a smirk from my father and a kiss from my mother I was told to be safe and make him happy. When I got to the Cafe I felt a little over dressed but Naruto told me I looked great so I was fine. "Sasuke I have a question" he spoke looking down "Did you really call me to shoot a shot or did you call because I'm your friend?" He asked refusing to look at me "That depends-" I started "-Were you hoping I was shooting a shot?" I asked in the most obvious flirty tone that I could "I mean yeah" he spoke blushing a light pink with a small smile on his face. I smiled at him "Your smile has always added to your beauty" I mistakingly said out loud causing the both of us to blush. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" I spoke "It's fine. . . Do you really think so" he responded "Yes of course I do I just didn't mean to say it at that moment" I told him.

As the day passed us I couldn't stop staring at him he told me all kinds of story's and things that happened outside of the village, training, and even when he was with the other Neko's in the forest. "And yeah that's pretty much all" He finished "So your adventurous" I asked him "Yes I must admit I'm a adventure nerd" we continued to talk and crack jokes all day until I got a phone call. "Give me a second Naru" I told him "Kay!".


Where are you,

ou've been gone
Almost all day!

Still with Naruto.

o you need me to come home?

I mean yeah but if

lirting takes you this
long do what you gotta do

Itachi (In the background)


Oh Lord. Just come home
and make a good move

After I got of the phone with my mom I went back to my Naru. "Hey Naru I'm sorry but I gotta get home" I told him "It's okay it is getting late anyways" he told me. I waved the waiter down and payed for our food on my way to drop Naruto home I got him some Ice cream and then took him home.

"Today was really fun" he said "Yeah it was" I spoke "I enjoyed getting to know you better Naru" I then told him "As did I but I have to get going now" he told me but I couldn't help myself a whole day with him had me wanting for this from the beginning.  "Naruto wait" I said I pulled him back into the car and kissed him passionately before releasing him so he could leave. "I'll see you tomorrow or Monday okay?" He nodded his head still a little flustered and left.

Naruto POV

I got out of the car and walked to the door flushed at Sasuke's action I looked back before opening the door and he was just sitting there with a grin on his face, once we made eye contact he winked at me and started the car. I quickly turned around and went in the house "How dare he" I mumbled as I closed the door behind me "How dare he what?" my mother asked I jumped at the sound of her voice "HeY mOm HoW yOu DoInG" I said she looked me up and down "What happened" I sighed  "I might as well. . ." I started. I told my mother everything that happened and she smiled the whole time as of she were about to start laughing.

"Why are you smiling so hard" I asked she looked behind her and the light turned on. My father and brother had been there the whole time "So your first ever crush gave you your first kiss" he father teased "How do you feel" he added I was to embarrassed to even speak but at the worst time ever the girls called me. I'm so dead after tonight but hey at least I had a little taste of life.

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