Chapter 5: Not Today, Babushka

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I would earn her respect in due time.

I did like her.

During this conversation, it seemed that the mighty shadow man himself had appeared at some point.

Strange how he waited. But eventually, he decided he needed to make his presence known.


The squaller's attention was immediately on him, and her response was to pay him the respect she so little gave.

"General," she acknowledged, giving him a nod-bow.

I always found that movement bizarre. Just nod or bow - pick one!

I didn't grant him this, and he didn't seem to mind.


Zoya, on the other hand - her expression clearly stated her shock at my audacity.

He spared me a glance, not reprimanding, before turning his focus to his Grisha soldier.

He addressed her as such.

"I need to speak with you privately. Ravka might have just been granted their Saint, after all."



They knew of her now.

"Meet me outside my chambers when you're done here."

I needed to get to that meeting.

The Darkling turned back to me, this time giving me his full attention. I noticed that the frostiness of his gaze had melted away ever so slightly.

"How are you enjoying the Little Palace?"

His tone was lighter, almost as if he was trying to appease a guest.

The look on Zoya's face was priceless. Almost worth this interaction with the General.

I didn't answer his question.

I asked one of my own.

"Why is Genya not here?"

"I told you..." Zoya began.

The Darkling stopped her with a look... the frost coming right back.

He, in turn, answered me.

"She's attending to her duties at the Grand Palace."

"Shame," I stated simply. 

"I do enjoy her company."

The Darkling seemed to consider my statement - giving it more weight than Zoya's presence.

Now thinking about it... he didn't need to come to my room to tell Zoya to meet him. Odd.

Now was not the time to entertain these ideas.

"I wish she was here."

It was true. I did miss the redhead.

"Done," the Darkling declared.

Now I was stunned.

"Sorry?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I will make sure that she comes for you after your training. And she will attend to you for the rest of your recovery."

"What of her duties?"

"You're more..."

He stopped himself. Again, so unlike him.

"I'll attend to it."

Zoya stood, gaping at the scene taking place before her.

The Darkling seemed to notice as he felt the need to address her.

"Zoya," he rebuked.

Obediently, she closed her mouth.

Too bad. I was enjoying how this future Queen looked like a codfish.

Oh, well. I suppose I would see that look again when the girl found out who I was.

"Thank you, sir."

I nodded to him, showing him my gratitude.

I was grateful.

This seemed to satisfy him, which only added to my confusion.

For Saint's sake...

Why did he seem to care so much about what I wanted?

He knew nothing about where I came from. He seemed completely okay with the idea that I was another shadow summoner. I should be a threat! It was beginning to frustrate me.

He acknowledged my gratitude with a nod of his own.

He then departed, paying Zoya no attention on his way out.

This angered the squaller. But, for some reason, this was now my fault.

"Who do you think you are?"

I let her anger run its course. I was just as puzzled as she was.

"Who.. who.." she tried.

I waited. Patiently.

I saw as the fire within her was doused. She was still upset, but it was no longer her dominant emotion. Instead, I saw bewilderment take its place.

"What have you done to our General?

Indeed. Why was the Darkling treating me in such a way?

What had I done?

She didn't expect an answer.

"Well, I'll see you when I see you," she decided.

That was that.

Now, I really needed to get to that meeting.

Not long after the squaller departed, a servant came to escort me to Baghra's.

"Excuse me for this," I apologised.

Before the girl responded, I reached out.

I found her heart and slowed it down. I watched as her eyes closed, giving way to the induced sleep beckoning her. Before she collapsed, I let her fall into my arms. It was the least I could do.

I placed her on my bed. Probably the most luxurious comfort she would ever experience.

"I'll be back soon."

It was time to find out more about this mission.

This quest of mine I dubbed,

Mission: Sol Koroleva.

Hi everyone! To those who are still with me, thank you so so much for reading! I have really enjoyed writing this story so far and can't wait to see how it unfolds. I just wanted to let you guys know that as it is my birthday on Saturday, I'm going to be busy this weekend. Unfortunately, I won't be able to update as soon as normal, but there is another chapter in store! Hopefully, it will be up and ready by Monday. Thanks for your understanding and I hope you continue to read. Have a good weekend! :)

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