Chapter 1.77:

Mulai dari awal

I expected JD's messages to be filled with fire and brimstone raining down, but they were only filled with concern.  There were no angry threats about how he was going to kill me for touching Riley. He never even mentioned anything about his sister at all. 

Riley must still be keeping the baby a secret or she really went through with her plan not to tell anyone that I was the one who put it inside her.

I doubled over into a ball and tucked my knees to my chest as I fought for air. It was killing me to know she would rather pretend I didn't exist and push me away than do what was right for both of us.

On day seven of my vacation stay at Sean's five-star resort for the lost, the booze and pill deliveries began drying up.  I had blown through enough of Sean's supply that he siphoned off the top before selling, that he barely had enough to recoup his money and still feed his habit.

Sean decided to cut me off unless I was willing to throw in a few bills to help him clear his margin.

I would have helped out if I had it, but I had nothing to give him—I didn't have anything to offer anyone anymore.

Sean's patience and kindness towards my situation ran out the moment I told him I couldn't help.  He had enough of me crashing at his place and forced me out until I figured out a way to come up with the money to help replace all the shit I used. 

I told him I would pay him back in a few days when I got my next check which was a complete lie. One day of work wasn't going to clear my debt to him. 

I would have to stay clear and dodge him until I came up with the rest. 

I laced up my boots and stood up on my feet for the first time that I could remember since I arrived.  My legs shook as my metabolism had already burned through the last of my high.  My body had started purging itself of the drugs in my system.

I was in the beginning of withdrawal and I had to act fast before it got any worse.

My thoughts battled back and forth as I walked out to my car, contemplating my next move.  Riley, the baby inside her, and my fear of not knowing where my next fix was coming from fought each other for dominion over my brain.

When I got inside my car and shut the door, everything came to a crescendo until the noise grew so loud that I had to cover my ears.  One voice rang out louder than the others, screaming at me to focus.

"There's still half a bottle of Oxy in your room."  The addict inside me grinned with pointed canines.

The deafening noise went silent and shocked my system into action.  I turned the ignition and my car roared to life.  I slammed on the gas and sped down the road to get back to the house.  It was late and if I moved quickly, I might be able to get in and out without anyone noticing.  There was a chance they would all be asleep by now. 

When I got back to the house, I slowly opened the door as quietly as possible to sneak inside.

"Stop." I heard Brynn's attention-seeking giggle in the living room, followed by a small smack. 

Fuck, was Riley here too?

I craned my head to peek around the corner to find out. One tiny glance at the girl would be enough to buy me a few more hours.

My stomach dropped out when I only saw Brynn and Aiden in the dim living room. Riley wasn't with them.

Brynn was in just a bra and straddling Aiden on the couch while he drew little patterns on her bare stomach.  Their random ongoing hookup was something I was never going to understand.

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