Chapter 1.44:

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I stopped and spun Riley around as soon as we got up to the kitchen when my conscience started eating away at me. Riley and I were both pretty drunk. I needed to make sure she still wanted to go through with this. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself if we made it all the way to my room.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You are extremely drunk and I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want to do. We can wait if you want to."

Riley slowly reached out her shaking hand and palmed my desperate cock. It was fighting to get out of my jeans. She ran her hand slowly, up and down the front. Her glazed-over stare was still filled with worry as she tried to convince me she wanted this.

"Are you nervous?" I asked her as I brought my hand to her face and brushed her cheek with my thumb.

"A little." She whispered. Her tongue lingered out a bit behind her words. That dirty little mouth was taunting me. "I haven't done this very much."

I was ready to detonate right here. Riley could literally be doing anything right now and still turn me on. Even just the sight of her blinking her eyes had me spiraling out of control. I had to let her know there was no way in hell she would disappoint me.

"You're grabbing my dick and I'm about to come in my jeans. You have nothing to worry about." I chuckled at the insecure girl.

Her eyes darkened as her pupils dilated from her desire. She began tightening her grip and pulling at me like she was impatient for it.

"Mmmm. Fuck yes." I threw my head back and hissed as she worked me over.

My body threw itself at her. Her lips were parted just enough for me to shove my tongue inside her mouth. I snared hers and took control. She kissed me back like she couldn't breathe without me.

We were so fucking wrong together, but nothing in my life had ever felt this right before.

I pulled away from her when my lungs began burning. I couldn't calm myself down enough to get any oxygen in them. She gave me a pouty lip and whined.

I turned her around and bent her whiney ass over the counter. I ground my dick into her and grabbed her hair to pull it so she knew who was in charge tonight.

"Ezra, please." She pleaded with me.

I spanked her juicy ass and turned her around in my arms. I lifted her up off her feet and threw her over my shoulder as I sprinted up to my room.

The door was slightly cracked and I kicked it open with my foot.  I used my shoulder to push it shut as soon as we were inside. I walked over towards the bed to place Riley back down. I could have thrown her down and just taken her, but I wanted to work her up a bit more.

I flipped on the lamp next to my bed. When I looked back at Riley, she had her arms crossed and was dancing around. She was still wearing that naughty innocence on her face.

She stood there awkwardly, like she was waiting for a signal to do something. From the way she was behaving in the kitchen, I was expecting her to start taking off her clothes for me as soon as the door was shut.

Guess I would have to break the ice.

I pulled my shirt off over my head. Her eyes followed the trails of my body lines until she found my music note tattoo. She sat down on my bed and stared at it while I came closer to her. I reached up with my arm and pushed my hair back off my face so I could get a better look at her.

She sat there batting her eyelashes at me, expectantly.

I moved the hand that was just inside her to her lips. I pressed my thumb over her lips to pull them apart. She opened her mouth and took the tip inside, giving me the softest part of her mouth. She ran her tongue along it and sucked it so hard the feeling went straight to the bottom of my spine.

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