Chapter 1.41:

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There were a few half-open doors when I got to the top of the stairs. She could have been in any one of those rooms. I stuck my head in the first door, and it looked like it might be the Davis' bedroom. There was a large bed in the center with a frilly white, antique-type blanket across it.

It definitely wasn't Riley's room.

I ducked out of that one quickly and continued on my search.  I started to peek into the next room when I heard banging and shuffling coming from the end of the hall behind the only door that was completely closed. When I crept closer, I could hear light rustling and little footsteps across the floor.

That had to be her making all that noise.

I tried the doorknob and was relieved when it began turning in my hand. It wasn't locked; it was like she left it that way because she knew this would happen. 

Riley was waiting for me.

I pushed open the door and saw the blond near her dresser, in deep concentration as she stuffed a few things into a bag in her hand.

I snuck inside quietly and began slowly closing the door behind me.

"Brynn, I told you I would be down in a minute," Riley said with her head still buried in her dresser.

I clicked the lock in place so no one could get in.  I had a feeling Brynn and Aiden would both be up here in a few minutes to look for us once they realized we were both missing.

I snuck up behind her where she couldn't see me. The flap of fabric covering her body was dangling loose as she bent slightly forward to open the next drawer down. I stuck my hand inside the gap and over Riley's stomach.  I ran my fingers over the bare skin and tightened my grip on her.  I picked up my girl and threw her body back on the bed. She landed face down with a little bounce and I flipped her over onto her back.  She started to sit back up, but I was faster than she was.  I pushed her shoulders down against the bed and climbed on top of her body.

I grabbed both of her hands in one of mine and lifted them above her head to pin her down. She didn't even put up that much of a fight when I placed my other hand over her mouth.

She wasn't going to get out of this.

We would not leave the room until she realized she felt the same way about me that I did her.  I would barricade us both inside if I had to. 

"Don't scream," I whispered with my mouth against her neck.

She shivered and nodded. I released her hands and mouth to let her free.

"Ezra, what are you doing up here? Someone will see you." Riley began panicking as her eyes darted to the door.

"They think I'm in the bathroom. We don't have much time."

"Time for what?" She asked with wide, unsure eyes.

"You were such a bad girl tonight, beautiful." I spread her legs with my knee and lined my hips up to work her over. I rocked against her and began running my tongue over her neck.  She moaned the second I bit down and sucked at the little spot she loved.  I moved harder and faster against her as I lost control of my body. I wanted to tear her clothes off and take her fast and hard, right here and now.

This whole situation sucked.

I finally had Riley right where I wanted her, but I couldn't fuck her because we didn't have enough time.

We may not have been able to do the actual thing right now, but it didn't mean she couldn't use her mouth on me.

It wouldn't take long for me to finish.

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