Chapter 1.26:

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JD and Anna argued like the old-married couple they were the entire time we circled around the small parking lot to look for a spot. Anna was accusing JD of purposefully being late so we would miss the show. She even threatened to make him walk back to the house after the concert if she missed one note of one song.

JD kept interjecting my name into the argument to get me to go on the attack back for him.

He should have thought about that before he shoved me in the backseat like a wad of playdoh through a fun factory.

He deserved everything she sent his way tonight for being classic JD. For once, I was on Anna's side.

Hell had frozen over.

The muscles on my stomach tightened and a shiver ran down my spine as I saw Riley's eyes on me again. My eyes went to hers and she turned her head to look out the window. We had been trapped in this little silent cycle the whole car ride.

I jumped out of the car as soon as JD threw it in park and stretched my cramped body out. Riley got out just as quickly and hesitated a bit to start walking towards Bannon's like she was nervous. She looked in my direction like she wanted me to come over to her.

I walked around the back of the car and stepped up close behind her. She turned and looked up at me with her amazing bright green eyes that reflected the sliver of remaining light in the sky. I inched another step closer to her and stared down. I started to reach up to her to flip the little curl hanging down on the side of her face and wrap it around my finger.

"Come on, let's go," Anna called as she dragged JD by the hand towards the sidewalk.

Riley smiled up at me and turned around to follow Anna and JD.

When we got on the sidewalk, I saw the line to get in was already wrapped around the building. It was a good idea to send Aiden and Mark ahead of us or we would be waiting forever to go inside.

Anna was swinging JD's hand in hers as she bounced past all the poor people at the back, waiting impatiently for it to move.

Head after head turned to stare at Riley as she passed by. All eyes were on the way her short skirt bounced against her ass as she walked. I stepped up my pace to keep close behind her to block the view. I thought about grabbing her hand to mark her as mine to anyone who even thought about going near her tonight.

"Love the outfit, blue." Some asshole cat-called to her.

I had turned around and spotted some short, wide guy with a buzz cut having the time of his life with his buddies as they ogled my girl. He stuck his fingers up in a 'V' shape and flicked his tongue between them right as Riley started to turn to see where the noise came from.

I started back towards the guy, ready to swing on him until I heard Riley giggle. When I looked down at her, she covered her mouth to hide the fact she was laughing at me.

"So fucking stupid," I mumbled under my breath. She literally had no idea she was a piece of meat dangling on a hook in front of a bunch of a ravenous pack of wolves.

Most of these guys had probably never even touched a real girl before.

JD and Anna were already up next to Mark and Aiden in line by the time Riley and I got there. Aiden's eyes were all over Riley's body as she walked up to stand next to him. I made a noise and caught his attention to let him know that I saw what he did. He looked down at his feet in shame.

Aiden had always been slightly scared of me and it was playing out in my favor.

"Damn girls, you two look hot." Mark was practically on his knees, licking their feet.

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