Chapter 1.48:

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When Riley and I got downstairs, I headed straight to the cabinet where the cereal was kept and started rooting through it.  None of the food in there was anything I bought myself. The first box I pulled out was some expensive granola blend that was probably something Anna brought over. Most of the almost edible food in the house was usually something she insisted on keeping here.

I grumbled and put it back when I realized there was only about a bowl left. I wouldn't be able to sneak it without her knowing and I didn't feel like dealing with the hungry Anna tongue-lashing I would get if she found out I ate it all.

I ended up settling on a half-empty green box of some off-brand fruit cereal that Mark liked. It wasn't even close to what I was craving, but it wasn't like there were many other options that kept me out of trouble.

Riley had her heard in the fridge and was shuffling bottles around. When she stood up, she had a carton of eggs in her hand and a pack of pre-cooked sausage patties.

I didn't even know we had anything in the fridge besides beer.

I wondered who bought those and why. They were most likely another Anna contribution which meant I should tell Riley to put the food back where she found it.

"How about this instead? I don't cook a lot, but I think I can't mess it up too badly." She waved them and smiled at me as she looked down at the cereal box I was going to settle for.

I looked back down at it and then back to the energetic blond dangling the forbidden food in front of my face. There would be nothing more satisfying this morning than watching Riley make me epic post-sex breakfast.

My hands decided for me while my brain argued with itself.

I threw the box back into the cabinet and sat down at the kitchen table to enjoy the view. Riley began fluttering around the kitchen and opening all the cabinets to look for what she needed to cook with.

"Why don't you guys have a skillet?" She huffed as she pulled out a few pans.

"What's a skillet look like?" I joked with her.

"It's the flat-looking one." She grumbled and rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh, that one is in Mark's room."

"I'm not even going to ask." Riley's whole body shuddered in disgust.

"It's probably better if you don't." I chuckled.

Riley fired up the stove that never got used and began trying to assemble something resembling breakfast. I watched her huff and puff as she concentrated way too hard on what she was doing.  Her ass danced back and forth as she cooked.  I could get used to watching her make breakfast for me. This was the perfect way to wake up.

Sex and food. In that exact order.

When Riley stood in front of the sizzling sausage patties and started flipping them, I got up to creep up behind her to see what she was doing. It was time to judge if the food would be edible. It all looked relatively normal. The sausage and eggs weren't the fresh stuff my mom always made for me, but they looked better than the cardboard green cereal that I was planning on eating.

After a few minutes of me impatiently hovering over her, Riley sat a heaping plate full of food in front of me. I grabbed the fork off the table and began shoveling the eggs into my mouth.  For someone who claimed she couldn't cook, she did a pretty damn good job with what she had available. There was nothing to complain about other than all the food was cooked and there wasn't enough for me to grab seconds.

Riley sat down across from me and pushed her food around her plate like she didn't know what she was doing. She was still overthinking everything like she always did. There was always something weighing her down.

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