Your Smile Haunt's Me (Ch.4.5)

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Heyoooooooouuu! Have dis!

Sasuke expected anything but this.

 " You know him well...Right Sasuke?" Kakashi said.

Sasuke was startled but didn't let it show, if he did he'd be found out immediately. So he kept his normal poker face.

" Huh?... Isn't that the boy that Naruto mentioned the other day? The last one of a clan right?" Sasuke said as he pretended to not know. He made a face of confusion and scratched his cheek with his index finger as if he were in thought. He looked completely different from himself when he did this.

'Crap, how does he know? Was I too obvious? Dammit, he's been paying attention too much. I hate you Kakashi...'

" Ah...I guess you aren't him, sorry I mistook you for someone else." Kakashi said bluntly but he wouldn't give up on proving his theory. That this man was Sasuke Uchiha at a much older age, how did he get here? Is still a complete mystery.

" And here I thought that the infamous copy ninja knew better than to confuse a man for a runaway  child." Sasuke said as he walked a bit faster toward Naruto and Sakura. When he reached them he was at Sakura's right while Naruto was on her left. After not even ten minutes the two males started fighting again.

Kakashi was nonetheless surprised by his reply. It was enough to take parts of Kakashi's suspicion away. But that's when something else happened. Naruto hit the older ninja aka the traveler right on his head. And Sasuke aka Menma hit Naruto back without any hesitation while Sakura tried to stop them from fighting.

"And here I thought you had your guard up all the time, guess you have a natural weakness when you're near Naruto."

Kakashi said as he smirked under his mask. After a while, he catches up to the three.

--Time skip brought by the Ramen lord Teuchi 🙏

"Maaaaan I'm tired! Kakashi sensei can we stay??? Please!" Naruto complained. They had finished their mission but still had to return to Konoha. 

It was already dark and the moon was out decorating the sky like a dim lantern surrounded by fireflies. The night was exceptionally beautiful today. Clouds were long gone leaving the sky's curtains to present the final act in a show of lights that shined brighter in darkness than in the day. Ironic isn't it? Darkness revealing light to show at its fullest beauty? It was a great night.

"You're always complaining, you Baka!... But you have a point Naruto I'm tired too." Sakura said as she felt herself feeling exhausted as well. Then she stretched her arms feeling them stiff.

"We aren't supposed to stay." That was all Kakashi said as he continued to walk and disregard Naruto's whining.

" N-Nani?! Why?! You're tired too right Sa- Menma?" Naruto said as he looked at Sasuke with shining eyes begging for him to cooperate and help them stay.

" No, not really," Sasuke said boredly. It has been some time since he actually fought someone and this was already boring enough. Still, Sasuke missed Naruto's hint of plead.

"Y-YOU BASTARD! Stop acting so tough! And PLEASE say that you tired" Naruto said as he whispered to Sasuke. He glared holes through Sasuke. Somehow it managed to spook Sasuke a bit. Maybe it was because he felt the Kyuubi start a small uproar in its chakra.

"Fine, we will stay at that inn" Kakashi said. He found his own motive to stay after a while. (ICHA ICHA- I-IS THAT A CHIDORI?! IM SORRY KAKASHI-)

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