College Rounds

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Kat's POV

We arrived at the college campus after a good amount of driving. Jeez, why did he have to choose a school a good driving distance away. Oh, probably to keep his parents from frequently visiting. I look around, not really seeing that many parking spaces. Eh, not gonna be here that long, I'm just gonna park on the curb. I turn the truck off and both me and Sam get out, I see Aunt and Uncle park behind me. So I go and grab one of the boxes from my trunk and Sam follows after.

"Oh, my gosh! Look at this place!," Aunt Judy says, with a smile on her face as she slowly turns around to look, "I feel smarter already." I guess it is nicer than the college I went to, meh.

"Ron, can you smell it?," I hear Aunt Judy ask. I bet Uncle Ron's gonna say something about the cost ain't he...

"Yeah, smells like $40,000 a year," Uncle Ron says, as he straightens his shirt. Yep, there is Uncle Ron, don't know how I would feel if he didn't make a comment like that. Aunt Judy comments on him being a cheapo, heh, This family will almost never change.

"Hey, why don't you two go on ahead. We'll bring the rest of Sam's stuff," says Ron, "Sam just go ahead and check out your room." I raise an eyebrow, okay, change of plans. My goal is not to unload the truck and hope I don't break anything, it is now to keep Sam from getting more weird from the influence of people in this college. Nice.

We made it to the dorm he was staying in, someone was blasting 21 guns, heh, edgy teens. I really can't say too much, cause same. We made our way down to the room Sam was assigned. The room's door was open and, well, there was already a guy in there setting up his stuff. Wow, dude doesn't know the first silent rule of the dorms. 'Don't set your stuff up, until lines are settled between you and your roommate.' I sighed.

"Hey," I hear Sam call out to the guy.

"Hey," the guy said back. I decided to stay back at the door, because I don't like the boy's vibe.

"You must be Sam, right? I'm Leo," 'Leo' said to Sam.

"Hey," Sam said once more. They stood and stared for a second, oh god, is it one of those things, Jesus strike me down right where I stand.

"So, I already sat up the crib a bit. You want this side or that side?," Leo asked.

"That's illogical(I had to do it to them, man), you already have set up your domain. So the boundary for his has already been set," I said, both boys looked back at me. Sam looking at me with 'please don't' look and Leo looked at me with the look of ......ew, no, fuck to the no.

"Kat...," Sam starts.

"Yeah, yeah, gotta see who the alpha is. You got to know if they are truly someone you will vibe with. Yada, yada. I might as well put the box down on the bed and leave if this is gonna be the vibe," I said, making small movements as I spoke. I make my way over to the bed and place the box down. I some what know what to do in these dumb situations, but it still makes me cringe, like a lot. They went on with their dumb 'boy' talk.

"That your girlfriend?," I hear Leo ask.

"Fuck, to the no. Sam is my younger cousin, and no that does not mean I'm free real estate to you, lust for brains," I said as I put my hand on my hip and looked back at the two of them.

"Anyways, Sam, you a techie?," Leo asked. Sam shrugged a little.

Leo then looked at me, "and you?"

"If having a degree in Robotics counts me as a techie, then yeah," I say with a shrug.

"Sweet," commented Leo, I see them go to a room on the side.

Leo turns around to me, "coming?" I shrug, then follow after the two.

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