In the Beginning

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Narrator POV

"Earth, birthplace of the human race, a species much like our own, capable of great compassion and great violence. For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before."

Shanghai, China, 22:14 Hrs - Today

"Newsflash from the BBC."

"Breaking news out of Shanghai. There's been a major toxic spill in the Shanghai factory district."

"We're staying on top of this developing story for you."

"We will bring you any new information as we get it."


"NEST Seahawks approaching target"

"Three minutes until evacuation is complete, sir." Says one of the soldiers.

"Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed, one-mile radius," Said one of the soldiers.

"All right, give NEST team the go," said a higher up.

"Black Hawks, you're clear to land."

"For the last two years, an advanced team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command."

"Arcees, get ready to launch"

"We're locked and loaded"

"Together, we form an alliance with the humans, a secret but brave squad of soldiers."

"All right, listen up. China's cover story on this one is 'toxic spill.' They had to evac the area for search and rescue. This makes six enemy contacts in eight months. We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight."

"A classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes hiding in different countries around the globe."

"Roll in Alpha through Echo now."

"All right, Ironhide. We got echoes. Vamos," Captain says, Ironhide transforms, "Steel stacks at 2 o' clock."

"He's here. I smell him," says Ironhide, as he smells the air. The soldiers move onward looking for any decepticons in the area.

"It's close. It's getting closer.," says one of the men.

"Oh, no."

"What have you got?"

"Thermal ripple"

"Right, everybody, be steady. We're right on top of it."

The excavator in front of them transforms, and slams it hands down onto the concrete pipes. Causing a big cloud to cover it and the flying concrete pipes. The pipes hit some soldiers, while others barely dodge them. Shots are fired, and for the most part they do more bad than good. This causes a good cover up for the decepticon and it makes it leave.

"Panther 1, requesting fire mission now!," says one of the soldiers into their radio. One of the higher ups seems disappointed in this call.

"Gunships on station. Roll in hot!," says another higher up.

"Dog 1, now we are engaging," says the team in the helicopter. They then shoot some missiles at the giant decepticon, Demolisher. This of course pisses Demolisher off and he then turns and knocks the copter out of the sky.

"We got a second Decepticon."

"Arcee twins! Target coming your way!"

The Decepticon, Sideways, puts up a good chase. Taking the Autobots into a cramped alleyway and through a person home. Back into another alleyway.

"Bring in Sideswipe!"

"Clear a path!"

Sideswipe goes after Sideways. Sideswipe then does a jump over Sideways, shooting a bit at the Decepticon as he flies over. And right before Sideswipe lands, he throws one of his blades into the front of Sideway's car form. Sideswipe then lands in front of the Decepticon, grabs the blade and drags it all the way through, killing Sideways.

"Damn, I'm good!," says Sideswipe.

We are brought back to Demolisher, as he goes down a Chinese highway taking out cars along the way.

"Air support, we need Big Buddha to deliver the drop now!"

"Cyclone 98, final attack hitting in 120"

"Clear to drop in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

We are then shown Optimus as he makes a drive off a C-5 Galaxy(this is the name of the plane, I think) and make his way towards the ground. He transforms along the way, releasing parachutes when he gets close to the ground.

"Autobots, I'm in pursuit!," Optimus announces. Cutting the ties of the parachutes flipping and transforming before he completely hits the ground. He then drives forward, planning to meet Demolisher when he crashes through a bridge. As Optimus gets close to the collide, he transforms, jumping and grabbing ahold of Demolisher's head, as Demolisher crashes trough the bridge. Ironhide is shown to be not too far behind Demolisher. Optimus continues to hang onto Demolisher's head as Demolisher drives on causing destruction.

"Pull Over!," says Optimus, as he shoots Demolisher in the head. This causes Demolisher to go off the road and crash. The damage is done and it seems to be the last seconds of Demolisher's life. Optimus and Ironhide approach the Decepticon.

"Puck-ass, Decepticon!," comments Ironhide.

"Any last words?," asks Optimus.

"This is not your planet to rule! The fallen shall rise again," says Demolisher.

"That doesn't sound good," comments one of the soldiers.

"Not today," says Optimus, as he cocks his (Gun? Cannon?) and shoots Demolisher through the head. 

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