"I'm so sick of the lying, Delilah." He runs his hands along his face.

"I'm not lying." I force out to sound simple.

"Delilah this whole relationship is based around lies and we both know that."

My eyes narrow in his direction, "No, Harry it's not. For me maybe but not for you and we both know that." I repeat what he said.

He tilts his head, "What do you mean by that?"

"You're the one lying, not me. We all have secrets and don't want them out, whether it's to the world or the people closest to us, so I respect you not wanting to let me in and telling me everything about yourself. So don't push it on me."

"I'm not pushing anything on you! What happened last night was caused by something I should be aware of, don't you think?" His voice comes out fast in irritation.

"Not really no." I shrug.

His lips part, "Wow." He mutters, "So you're saying you aren't lying to me right now? About this, or anything else?"

"Yup." I lift off the counter and cross my arms.

He takes a step forward, "Yeah?" I arch my eyebrows as an answer, "Then who's Amara Baker?"

My stomach drops. "H-How do you know that name?"

"I know she's connected to you in some way and I feel like I have heard her name before, so who is she?"

Where the hell is this coming from?

"An old friend." I answer shortly, hoping he will go back to the first subject at this point.

I'll do anything to avoid talking about her.

He takes a deep breath while running his hand through his hair and turns around to where his back is facing me, "You're lying. Yet again."

"No I'm not." Yes I am.

"I'm done with the dishonesty. If we want to trust each other then we need to tell each other things."

I scoff, "Yeah as if I know so much about you."

Harry sighs impatiently, "Stop going in circles. Who is she?"

I run my tongue along my cheek, "This is unbelievable." I walk away from him and into the bedroom.

"Why is it so hard to just answer?" His voice follows me.

I spin around quickly, "Were you spying on me? Doing research on me?"

"No what I was doing had nothing to do with you. It wasn't even me who found her name."

"So then how do you know about her?" I don't believe him. I tried my damndest to erase her from my life

"Luca, he found something on her when he was doing something for me."

"Which was?"

"I can't tell you yet."

I force out a laugh, "So much for trusting each other right?"

"Delilah please just answer the damn question. Does she have something to do with this? Because according to what I heard, something bad happened between you guys. Did she try to contact you or something?"

"It's kinda hard for a dead person to contact you." His eyebrows furrow with widened eyes.

I walk over to the bed and sit on top of it with a sigh, picking at my fingernails with nerves. I guess I knew this subject would come up at some point I just wish it wasn't now, "I will tell you about her. But before I do so, just promise me that after this we will be honest with each other about everything because this is a story I've never told and will never do it again."

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