182. (Actors) Frist Dates - Dylan O'Brien

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Summary: An unfortunate accident leads to the date of a lifetime.


Three weeks ago to the day, you had literally bumped into someone, dropped an entire cup of coffee down your shirt and generally just had the worst day ever. Who would ever have thought that the person you bumped into would find it so funny that they had given you their number on the spot and as you went you separate ways said "see you again soon, I hope." Needless to say, you were baffled.

Now, you were getting ready to go on a date with the guy. Over the course of the last three weeks, the two of you had texted and even talked regularly. You had come to the conclusion that Dylan was lovely, no, he was perfect.

He had chosen a quaint little restaurant as far away from the city centre as possible. With the number of times you got changed before finally deciding on an outfit, you were amazed at the number of outfits you actually had. When you were finally ready, you called for a taxi.

Arriving at your destination, you paid the driver and got out. It was freezing outside and you were unable to see Dylan anywhere so you made your way in. The warm air hitting your face as you made your way through the door was more than welcoming. As you stepped further in, you spotted him. He was waiting for in the front of house area.

"Hey, you look gorgeous" he said with a smile, making his way over to you. He placed a single kiss on one cheek and took you by the arm.
"Hey, you don't look to bad yourself!" Taking his arm gladly, the two of you walked over to claim your reserved table.
"You really do look beautiful." He said, pulling out a chair from under the table and gesturing for you to sit down.
"Thanks," you responded, slightly embarrassed, before turning to him and with a smile, saying "such a gentleman."

As he made his way around the table, you said "Who would have thought that we would end up here."
"Well, that's all in the past now," he replied. "We are going to have to make up for it now though." He laughed, taking his seat.

You picked up the menus and began to discuss what you might have, everything sounded so delicious that neither of you could decide.


Finally, the food arrived. "Wow," Dylan gasped, "this is way too much food for two people." He looked at you, puffing out his cheeks as if to say "our eyes are bigger than our bellies".
"Who even eats this much food?" you asked rhetorically.
"I've no idea" he replied, mouth full as he tucked into the meal before you. "I'm certainly going to make a good go of it though!"
"Save room for dessert" you laughed.

It took a while but eventually, all of the food had gone. "Come to think of it, maybe this wasn't enough food!" you thought, smiling to yourself at the image of Dylan endlessly eating.
"So what's next?" you asked. Dylan had planned a whole date night and wouldn't tell you anything.
"Well it was going to be mini golf, but honestly I'm just too full!" he exhaled, placing a hand on his now full stomach. "I don't live too far from here, we could go back to my place and just have a drink?" he asked, suddenly realising how that sounded he added "or your place, or neither, I don't mind, it's up to you." He stumbled through the sentence, which only made you laugh.
"Your place sounds great" you smiled.
"Okay," he replied jauntily, happy his rambling hasn't sent you running. "Let's go!" he offered his arm to you and began to lead the way

"It's such a beautiful night" you commented.
"It really is," he replied, looking directly at you. "As cliché as this sounds, you're the most beautiful thing out here tonight." You couldn't help but blush.
"Stop it," you laughed playfully. "That's so sweet."

The walk to his house really was a short one. He led you up the front steps and opened the door.
"Aren't you going to invite me in?" you asked.
"What are you, some kind of vampire?" he joked, gesturing for you to come in out of the cold. You laughed at the comment and made your way inside.

As you stepped through the door, you were instantly hit with warmth. His place was so homely.
"Take a seat," he pointed to the living room on your right, "what do you want to drink?"
"I'll just have whatever you're having" you replied, taking off your coat.
Moments later he re-emerged with two beers. "Is this alright?" he asked holding one of them up.
"It's perfect" you replied, taking it from him.
Dylan sat down on the couch next to you, not so close that you were practically on top of each other but close enough that his scent filled your senses every time either of you shifted in your seat.

The two of you sat talking about everything and everything, from your childhood to deep topics like the meaning of life, until your beers ran out. Dylan took the empty bottle from you and placed them on the floor. He inched closer to you as he sat back. You began to yawn and looked at the time. It was late, really late. Dylan saw you yawn and put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. You lay your head on his shoulder and before you knew it, you were asleep.

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