13. (HP) Regulus Black - In Vino Verittas

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Getting drunk with Regulus (with a love confession because im a hopeless romantic)


"Remind me why we're doing this again?" Regulus said grumpily as he crouched down to avoid hitting his head on the low ceiling of the passageway you were standing in.

You grinned at him, taking his hand so you could continue to pull him to the exit. "Because in two days you'll be seventeen and it'll be perfectly legal for you to drink in the wizarding world which also means it'll be way less fun."

"So you're dragging me up to the astronomy tower at one in the morning so we can get drunk?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes! Come on Reggie live a little" you said "this is a right of passage, my friend."

Regulus rolled his eyes "you're nutty" he said but once you'd turned away to leave the passage he smiled softly at your retreating form. As much as he pretended to be annoyed by it he was touched by the effort that you, his best friend, had gone to.

Before long you'd reached the astronomy tower and Regulus reached out, instinctively, to trace the tiny initials carved into one of the mossy outer stones. "R.A.B" alongside yours. You'd done it in your third year, when you'd first started sneaking up here, using a penknife he'd stolen from Sirius in the summer. It felt like so long ago now and he thought wistfully at how much life had changed. But then you were calling his name grinning at him, your eyes alight in the glow of the stars, and he smiled at the familiar sight. He hoped that this, you and him spending time together, would never change even with adulthood creeping up on you both.

You reached into the old disused broom closet that the two of you stashed things in, pulling out a tattered old Slytherin blanket and a bottle of Ogdens finest firewhisky. "Look what I got" you said with a smirk as you shook the bottle in his direction, the amber liquid glowing as it reflected off of an abandoned telescope. Regulus' eyes widened. When you'd said you'd get alcohol he hadn't expected you to be able to get firewhiskey. "Where did you get that?" he asked in disbelief but you merely looked coyly at him and tapped your nose to indicate you were keeping your secrets.

You unscrewed the top, lifted the bottle to your lips and took a long sip, grimacing as the alcohol burned on its smooth descent down your throat. Regulus took the bottle from your hand, the brush of his fingertips against yours heating you up more than the whisky ever could. He took his own sip, shuddering himself at the taste.

"I thought it would taste better you know" he said, pulling the bottle back to inspect it. You lifted it from his hands shrugging as you drank another, smaller, sip. "It's supposed to burn less the more you drink."

"Fuck it then" he said taking the biggest sip yet. You watched as the liquid passed his lips, the way his smooth white throat rippled as he swallowed and you gulped giggling nervously as he passed you the bottle back.

"Wanna play a game?" you asked, reaching back into the cupboard to pull out your battered exploding snap deck. He nodded and you took another drink, noticing as you did that it didn't burn nearly as much this time. You supposed that you were already getting used to the unfamiliar sensation.

Two hours passed and more than half of the large bottle of fire whisky was gone. The game of snap had long since been abandoned as the effect of the alcohol flooded into you quicker than either of you had realised.

"Hey Reg, Reg" you said, smacking him lightly on the leg when he didn't reply right away.

"What?" he said huffily.

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