105. (Kingsman) Eggsy Unwin | Teddy Bear

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Could you write an Eggsy imagine where the reader is super in love with him and doesn't know how to deal with it so she acts like a bitch, and one day they fight and she blurts that she likes him and he just kisses her? I love your writing!


Warning: Slight swearing!!

My friend Daisy smirked, and my heart immediately sped up because I knew what it meant.

"Don't you dare say a word" I whispered to her through clenched teeth.

Her simple friendship was enough reminder of his existence –since she was called like his little sister- to on top of all have my best friend nag me about it.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I braced for the moment he would walk up to me and say hello.

"Fuck..." I clenched my fist and averted my eyes despite the fact that I knew my cheeks were burning and that meant I was blushing.

"Hiya, luv" Eggsy said with his stupidly kind and attractive voice. "How ya doin'?"

"Would you leave me alone?" I told him, still not looking at him, as my heart thumped against my chest.

"Lovely talkin' to ya" He sarcastically said, just walking away. He wasn't bothered at all, as usual.

Once I felt he was far enough, I cautiously looked up just in time to watch him leave.

"You're so bloody stupid, Y/N" Daisy told me with a chuckle. "Just talk to him!"

"Like it's that easy" I carefully shifted my glare so it landed on him.

He was sitting to his usual table with his mates, chatting and having fun.

I sighed in relief when I realized he wasn't paying attention to me anymore.

"What's the point of coming here to run into him if you don't even talk to him when he approaches you?" She insisted with a sassy attitude.

Eggsy and I had been somewhat 'friends' for a while. And it was true that I developed a crush on him and frequented that place just to run into him. But when the moment of truth came I got too nervous and ended up being a bitch to him just so I wouldn't have to talk to him. It didn't make any sense at all.

"It's not like I'm in love with him or anything" I huffed, pretending to be nonchalant about it.

"Here he comes again" She uttered in surprise, looking with the corner of her eye.

I opened my eyes wide and locked them in the ground, feeling my heart skipping a beat. In fact, I really had to fight back the urge to hide under the table.

Daisy began laughing, and when I noticed Eggsy wasn't coming closer I knew she was teasing me.

"Fuck off..." I rolled my eyes at her and exited the pub.

Once I was out, I pouted and let out a huge breath that apparently I had been holding. I hated and I loved the way Eggsy made me feel.

I hated and loved the butterflies in my stomach, the nerves and the tingling sensation on my fingers. The stupid happiness that went through me just because I had seen him that day. The way he glanced at me, with those sweet yet mischievous eyes of his which color I couldn't even pinpoint yet that managed to be fucking gorgeous. The way his mere smile created one on my lips as well and how his smirk made me swoon.

And I hated that I wasn't able to even talk to him because I got too nervous and I ended up being so rude to him. And he still was nice to me despite it all, almost like he knew deep down what was going on with me.

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