57. (MCU) Peter Parker - The Argument

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pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader

summary: you and peter get in a fight and the other avengers can't help but overhear

word count: 2.2k

warnings: lots of swearing, loud arguing, angst with happy ending


You and your boyfriend Peter stood, glaring at each other from opposite corners of your bedroom. Your hands were balled into fists at your sides as you looked at him from across the room with anger mixed hurt written all over your face.

"Are you serious right now, Peter?" You asked him, raising your voice with each sentence. "Are you dead serious right now? You know I'm a fucking Avenger right? I'm sorry if me being around other guys makes you uncomfortable but it's kind of part of my job."

Peter huffed, rolling his eyes and threw his hands up in the air. "So what? This is my fault now?" He gestured towards himself, raising his voice at you.

"You're the one who's pissed at me because I'm nice to other guys." You scoffed. "It's fine, Peter. Next time a guy needs saving I'll be sure to tell him that Spider-Man doesn't trust his girlfriend so he'll have to figure it out himself."

At the words that just came out of your mouth, Peter laughed out loud. It wasn't the sweet laugh you always loved hearing in the mornings or the one where he would find something so hilarious that he would be out of breath, but one that just screamed that he could not believe what you had just said.

"Me?" He shouted. "You're the one who always gets mad at me for 'getting too cozy with girls'. I'm doing my job! You see one photo of me saving a girl- from a fire might I add- and you don't talk to me for two days because you were jealous. What do you want me to do?"

Peter bringing up this situation again just made you fume even more and he knew that. Despite the fact that you and Peter rarely fought, this instance had been mentioned in several arguments between the two of you, but you always held your ground.

You were now the one throwing your hands up in the air, beginning to pace across the room. "Oh! This fucking conversation again!" You shouted at him. "How many times do we have to go over this? When are you going to get it? She kissed you!"

You still remember every part of the footage from that day and the image had burned itself into your brain. It was a solo day for Spider-Man so you hadn't found out until you had seen the news footage of your boyfriend swinging the girl to safety with her arms wrapped tightly around him and her head buried in the crook of his neck. Peter's arm was wrapped securely around her waist as he assured her that everything was going to be okay. As soon as he stopped swinging, however, and landed her safely on the ground, she had placed her hands on either side of Peter's masked face and pulled him into a kiss. Although he quickly scrambled out of it, you couldn't help but feel sick seeing the image.

"I was wearing my mask, Y/n!" He shouted back, tugging on his hair in frustration. "It's not like I went in to kiss her. She kissed me! I didn't do anything!"

At his words, you stopped pacing and stomped across the room, stopping in front of your boyfriend. "You're right, you didn't do anything." You spat. "She kissed you and yeah that's fucked up, but you know what's more fucked up? That you didn't tell me! You knew some girl had kissed you and you just hoped I would never find out. Do you know what it was like to find out from a fucking news broadcast? Fuck, Peter! You lied to me about it!"

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