90. (Hocus Pokus) Thackery Binx - The Familiar

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Thackery has been your familiar for a little while, but you've got a big surprise for him.

Word Count: 2.2k


You'd decided a long time ago that you weren't a great witch. It wasn't that you were an evil one, no, you tried your best to keep the balance. It was just that you were...as your mother put it, rather inexperienced. You hadn't had much time to hone your skills yet, and your magic was far from fully controlled. You weren't good at brewing potions or casting spells...overall, you were kind of a mess, but you meant well.

And that, Thackery figured, was probably the reason he had stumbled upon your house in the first place. He knew well after his couple hundred years wandering through the streets of Salem, that any witch worth her hexes needed a familiar to keep her on the right path, so your familiar is just what he became.

Now, nearly two years later, you were curled up on the couch with your knitting. It wasn't a particularly magical project you were working on, but you'd been told by your mother that crafting something with magical hands often increased its magical properties. You figured that must be the case for something like this, something that took so long to make.

You heard Thackery's paws pad across the wooden floor and into the living room, where you were settled.

"Are you a bit cold? It's rather cold in here." He noted. How he was able to tell, all covered in fur like he was now, you'd never know.

"Now that you mention it, yeah, I am." You agreed, setting your knitting to the side and manifesting a spell in your hand. It was a little one, so it didn't require nearly as much thought or focus as it had for you a few years ago, but it still required a free hand or two. You watched as a little flame grew in the palm of your hand and then, with a flick of your wrist, you banished it to the fireplace, where the logs caught nicely, beginning to warm the big room of the old Salem house on the sea.

"What are you making?" Thackery tilted his head and watched as you picked up your project again. His sharp green eyes fixed on the string and you could tell it was taking every bit of his consciousness to resist the urge to play with it. Cute, you decided.

"Scarf. It's going to get colder soon." You reminded him quietly, as though the orange trees outside weren't a reminder of the fact. Halloween had come and gone uneventfully, so you were safely on your way through November, trying to balance your magical studies with all of the hobbies you had, this being one of them. Well, that and bonding with your familiar. Although, the last of those things wasn't too difficult. You knew he was pretty fond of you.

"Right. The weather tends to do that, doesn't it?" He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. You couldn't imagine what it would be like to be Thackery Binx, after having lived through so many seasons and years and decades and centuries. Time really didn't mean anything to someone who's immortal. It was sad. "Oh, don't be sad for me, love." He cooed, looking at the expression on your face. Your bond with him did many things. One of them was letting you tap into the other's emotions from time to time, not that he didn't know you well enough to be able to tell.

"It is sad, though, isn't it?"

"I suppose. But you shouldn't be sad for me. Someone as precious as you shouldn't waste time on being sad."

You couldn't seem to explain your racing heart, nor the way it warmed your insides when one of his little paws rested on your working hands, stilling them in their places. He looked up at you with those emerald green eyes. "It's okay, really, it is."

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