91. (Hocus Pokus) Thackery Binx - An Unusual Couple

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Now that Thackery is a human, he has a lot of adjusting to do before he'll be used to our modern world. Luckily, he has his favorite witch to help him learn the ropes.


"I don't understand."

"Here, let me see it." You held out your hand and Thackery handed you his brand new phone. You'd already put it in a protective case and helped him get everything set up, but now you were teaching him how to call you, in the case he ever needed to.

Thackery watched with interest as you tapped the green phone icon, touched the "contacts" button, found your name, and clicked on it, causing your phone to ring next to you.

"See? Like that."

"So...I press the little phone icon, and find...you and then it calls you?"

"Exactly. I told you you'd get it." You grinned, handing the phone back to him. "You could also use voice control to—"

"Yeah, I think that might be a little beyond my depth, dearest." He chuckled. "Maybe someday, though."

"Mmhmm." You nodded skeptically. "Maybe this old cat can learn new tricks."

He laughed and nudged you playfully. "Perhaps." After a quiet moment, he asked, "Now what?"

"What do you mean, now what?" You laughed. The two of you were sitting on a bench in the middle of the nearest mall, where you'd picked up his phone and got him set up on your coverage plan. "We can do whatever you want. You said this is your first time at the mall, right?"

"Well, we didn't exactly have them in colonial America, so, yes, yes it is."

"You ever been to the movies?"

"On occasion when I was able to slip through the doors. But I haven't been able to properly enjoy a movie, no."

"Well, we could get some tickets for whatever they're showing now, shop around in the meantime...we still have to build up your wardrobe, after all."

"I quite like the clothes you picked out for me." He pulled the fabric of the grey hoodie he was wearing out in front of him so he could admire it. "But I suppose we could get some more as well."

It had only been a few weeks since Thackery had transformed from a cat into a human again. He didn't have very many belongings, aside from the things you'd hastily scraped together for him in that time. This had involved thrift shopping, mostly. It would be nice to pick him up some good shoes, as he only had a few pairs of worn sneakers at the moment.

You stood up and he did as well, following after you to the theater, where you picked up a pair of tickets for a showing about an hour and a half from now. Then, the two of you went to a shoe store, getting his feet sized before you helped him look around for some he liked. Once he had a few pairs picked out, you paid at the counter and went into one of your favorite stores, one that had all sorts of nerdy shirts and other merch.

"I don't know what any of these things are." Thackery murmured, looking up, up, up at all of the T-shirt previews on the wall.

"We'll get you there." You promised. You looked up at him and the expression on his face was the softest you'd ever seen him. "Baby steps."

"Baby steps," he agreed. "So, riddle me this."


"Is this a date?"

You froze, staring up at him until a smirk slowly found your features. "I don't know, is it?"

"I'd like to think so."

"Cool. Me too." You nodded, grinning.

You helped Thackery pick out a few new shirts and some other little trinkets and toys he gravitated towards, and then the two of you headed back toward the theater. You led Thackery to the line for concessions and when you got close enough to the counter, Thackery stared at all of the candies in the glass display.

"What would you recommend?" He whispered to you, motioning to them.

"Do you like sweet or sour?"

"Sweet." He smiled, nudging you, "like yourself."

"Ha. Well, maybe the licorice then, if you like fruit-flavored things. If you like chocolate, M&Ms are good."


Finally, you got to the front of the line. "Hi, we'll have the couple's special, some M&Ms, and some Twizzlers, please."

"Of course!" The girl at the counter said.

You paid, took the tub of popcorn from her, and as the two of you started walking away with your snacks and drinks, Thackery muttered, "Couple's special, eh?"

"Is that not what we are?"

"We are, I just like to hear you say it, is all."

You smiled at that. The two of you went back into the theater and found some good seats. You ripped open the Twizzler's bag and handed one to Thackery, an expectant look on your face.

He took it from you and took a hesitant bite. "Not what I expected, but I like them."

"I'm glad." You grabbed a handful of popcorn. "You know, we're kind of an unusual couple."

"Given that until very recently I was a cat, I can't help but agree." Thackery chuckled and his hand settled on top of yours. "But...I'm happy and I hope you are too."

"I am." You gave his hand a squeeze and leaned closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Very, very much so."

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