89. (Hocus Pokus) Thackery Binx - Matching Sweaters

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Thackery hasn't been human for very long, but he likes matching clothes with you very much.


If you had noticed anything in the period of time your boyfriend had been something other than a talking black cat, it was that he was extremely touchy. You didn't blame him. After three-hundred years of not having human arms and legs, you would be touchy too. But being a witch had its perks and one of them was the ability to reverse curses like the one the Sanderson Sisters had placed on him three centuries earlier.

"Would it be too cliche if we maybe matched clothes?" You asked him, holding up one of his gray sweaters that looked a lot like one of yours.

He grinned, walking over to you from where he had been leaning in the doorway. "Is that what couples do these days?"

"W-well sometimes." You shrugged. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

"I want to." He reassured you and took the sweater from you, holding it against his chest. "Believe me, I'd match with you every day into eternity if I could."

"You're so cheesy, oh my God." You shook your head, chuckling. "You're going to be the death of me."

"It's about time someone loved you the way you deserve to be." Thackery set the sweater on your bed and gingerly pulled you into his arms. He exhaled a long sigh, rubbing circles in the fabric of your shirt and resting his chin on top of your head. "You know, you seemed a lot taller when I was a cat."

"Oh hush." You laughed, attempting to wiggle from his grasp, but to no avail. "I get it, I'm short, you're tall. Haha."

"No no no, love, it's perfect. You're the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head."

You curled further into his warmth, wrapping your arms around his back. "You know, I think I might love you."

"I think I might love you too." He murmured, tilting his head forward to kiss your forehead. A chuckle slipped past his lips. "I'm excited for this party. Finally see how the teenagers live. And I get to show off my beautiful girlfriend."

"You mean I get to show off my amazing new boyfriend."


"Well I mean, up until recently, you were a cat."

"Fair enough." He laughed, still holding you tightly. "You know, unless you stop me, I'll just hold you forever. I'm never going to get enough of this."

"Fine by me."

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