Chapter 18- Finally we have an idea

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idk who made this art, so if anyone knows plz tell me cuz its rly cute!


Eloise woke up to the sound of children, and an active pizzaplex, above her. 

"Why does the parts and service room have to be right below the main stage?" She thought. 

She sat up and yawned, taking in the room around her once again. All the stray animatronic parts, not to mention the repair station, were certainly a sight. How did she even fall asleep last night? Oh that's right, Freddy told us a story... She smiled, thinking about his story again, before something distracted her. 

The winding tendrils of The Blob still unsettled Eloise, even though she knew they were friendly. 

"Good morning." They said, their many voices echoing as they spoke. 

"Good morning..." Said Eloise, sleepily. 

"Did you sleep well?" Asked Jay/ Rockstar Bonnie. 


Lucas/ Rockstar Foxy yawned now, his golden teeth shining. The parrot on his shoulder began to squawk. Mia/ Rockstar Chica laughed. It seemed everyone was awake now but Gregory, who was still fast asleep. 

(Eloise noticed how cute and helpless he looked when sleeping, at least compared to how up and battle-ready he was when awake. It made her smile.) 

Right on cue, Glamrock Chica walked in the door. 

"Good morning, everyone! Did you all sleep well?" 

Her loud, happy voice woke Gregory, who yawned. Everyone murmured a yes. 

"Good! Well, you can come up whenever you want, breakfast is ready for you!" Said Chica. 

"Well... Eloise and Gregory can at least..." She added with a sigh.

 She walked out, the door shutting quietly behind her. Eloise sighed, laying back on the floor. 

"Why do things have to be this way?" She asked nobody in particular. 

"Why does everything have to be so horrible?" 

She gave her little brother a hug. Gregory didn't know how to respond. 

"It's all William Afton's fault." Said Jay with a growl. 

"He started all of this, he murdered the first children way back in the '80s." 

The Blob shifted as they were mentioned. 

"Speaking of," said Gregory. 

"How is he still alive? I understand it has something to do with killing kids and gaining spirits, but... shouldn't he be dead by now?" 

Oliver/ Rockstar Freddy spoke up now. "We don't really know... But it has something to do with remnant, spirits, and sheer willpower." 

"What's remnant?" Asked Gregory. 

"...We aren't really sure about that either..." Said Lucas. 

"But I think it's kinda like spirit in... solid form? William makes it by taking possessed animatronic parts and melting them into.. Possibly his suit? He does something with the power of children's spirits to gain immortality." 

Gregory sat thoughtful. 

"And there's Cassidy." Said Mia. 

"Oh yeah... Cassidy." Said Jay. 

Eloise frowned. "Wasn't she one of the children who were killed? Where is she?" She asked, looking at The Blob. 

"She isn't here. I mean, she's in this pizzaplex, but not with us." They said. 

"Where is she? And why is she so important?" Asked Gregory. 

"She ended up being turned into a virtual spirit. Y'know that "Princess Quest 111" arcade game in Vanny's room? She's the princess. The little golden one. In the game. That's her." Said Susie specifically from within The Blob. 

"When she was murdered, she was... angry. Very angry. She wanted revenge, she wanted William to feel what she felt. So when he "died" from springlock failure, she kept him alive. She has been keeping him alive paranormally ever since so that he can live in eternal pain and suffering. She refuses to let him die because she says this is what he deserves." Said Gabriel. 

Eloise furrowed her eyebrows. 

"But isn't she just letting him commit more murders? Even if this pain is what he deserves, shouldn't she just let him DIE?" 

The animatronics shrugged. 

"Maybe we should talk to her, Eloise?" Said Gregory, looking at her as he said so. 

"Convince her to let him go, maybe even help us?" 

Eloise looked back at him. 

"Yeah... let's go get breakfast, then we will go find Cassidy."


Extra story cuz I'm feeling motivated today


It was a busy day at the pizzaplex. Freddy had just come off the stage to see Bonnie and play with the children, and both of them were being crowded by children wanting autographs. The two of them were laughing, the children climbing on them and giving them hugs. One somehow got on top of Bonnie's head. 

"Oh, be careful there Superstar!" 

He said, taking the child and putting him back on the floor. Freddy laughed. 

I watched this from the corner where I was standing, leaning against the wall. I scoffed and walked away, swinging my tail angrily behind me. Why do they get so much more attention than I do? I was planning on just heading back to Rockstar Row when I heard a voice. 

"Monty, Monty!" 

I turned around. Who was calling my name? I looked and saw a little girl was running towards me. 

"Oh hey kid-" I said. 

When she caught up to me she stood there catching her breath. She had medium-length blond hair that was puffy, and big circle glasses. She wore jeans and an orange sweater. 

"W-Where are you going?" She asked.

I wasn't sure what to say to her, but she was the first child that talked to me today, so I told her the truth. 

"I was gonn' go back to Rockstar Row..." I said hesitantly. 

She looked confused. 

"Why? Don't you want to hang out with kids?" 

I sighed. I haven't been honest with anyone in a while, maybe I could trust her. She seemed nice. 

"Of course I want to be with kids! It's just... none of them want to hang with me. They like Freddy and Bonnie and the girls much more than me. I guess I feel like I'm not needed here." I looked away, and was about to leave. 

"I like you." Said the girl. 

I turned back around to look at her. 

"Y-You like me?" I asked. 

She hugged my leg. 

"Yeah! You're my favorite!" 

Her-Her favorite? I began to tear up. Nobody, especially a child, has ever told me that. I knelt down and gave her a real hug. This surprised her, but she hugged me back. 

"That... that means a lot, kid...." I looked at her. 

"By the way, what's your name?" 

She smiled. 

"Oh yeah! My name is Mia!"

(Word count: 1071)

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