Chapter 2- Glamrock Bonnie

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Eloise kept running. Where could she go? Who could she trust? Then she saw it. 

Bonnie Bowl. 

She had known Bonnie since she was 9, she knew she could trust him. 

She ran inside. Bonnie was walking around, watching the bowling and talking to kids. 

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" She cried. 

Bonnie quickly looked over. As she got closer, she could see his facial recognition scan her. 

"Little Eloise Bennet! I have not seen you in so long! Where is Lucas?" But as she got closer he noticed something was very wrong. 

"Oh no, Eloise! Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" 

She was crying and out of breath from running, she was gasping for air. Bonnie, with a concerned look, picked her up. 

"What happened, Superstar?" 

She cried in between sobs and gasps, telling him exactly what just happened, leaving no detail out. 

Bonnie looked appalled. He was about to say something when an announcement sounded. 

"The pizzaplex will be closing soon. We hope you enjoyed the show! Please begin to make your way to the exits, unless you are staying at the daycare. Have a wonderful night and we hope to see you again soon!" 

Everyone started heading towards the exits, soon leaving Eloise and Glamrock Bonnie alone. Bonnie looked back at Eloise. 

"Are you... telling the truth? This really just happened?" 

Eloise looked him in the eyes. "Yes. I promise." 

Bonnie looked away. 

"I-I knew rumored disappearances were happening here, but I didn't want to believe it was true... even if I did, I wouldn't have thought them to ever be this bad... somebody could be kidnapping, even killing children! This is awful!" 

Eloise looked at him. 

"We have to save Lucas." 

Bonnie was unsure, his magenta eyes worrisome. 

"What could we do?" 

Eloise looked determined. 

"We can go find him together." 

There was then another announcement, causing them to both look up. 

"Eloise and Lucas Bennet, please report to the daycare immediately. Your attendance is mandatory, and if you do not report in, then there will be consequences. Thank you." 

Bonnie and Eloise looked back at each other. 

"We can't have you getting in trouble..." said Bonnie. 

"Maybe I could sneak out of the daycare after we go to bed, and meet you back here. Then we can go back into the basement to find Lucas," said Eloise. 

Bonnie looked concerned. 

"Are you sure you could make it past Moondrop? This could be dangerous... I wouldn't want you to get hurt, too. Not if what you are saying really is true..." He sighed. 

"We need to try, Bonnie. For Lucas, and the other missing children. Something suspicious and evil is going on, and we have to find out what it is, or nothing will change. Kids will keep going missing. The police have found nothing, maybe we can be the first... and I need Lucas." 

Bonnie sighed 

"Your right, Superstar. Let's do it. Now, quickly, get to the daycare, before you get into too much trouble." 

Eloise jumped down from Bonnie's arms. 

"I will meet you right back here!" she said as she started running back to the daycare. 

Bonnie sighed. 

This was most unexpected.

(Word count: 531)

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