Chapter 5- The Endos

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They gasped out of surprise. Well, Eloise screamed and hid behind Bonnie. They both braced for impact, but nothing happened. It was just frozen in motion as they looked at it. 

"Why did it stop chasing us when we looked at it? I have never seen this before..." said Bonnie. 

"I'm not sure..." said Eloise, still catching her breath. 

"Maybe we should start running to see if it does anything? It seems to be okay now..." Bonnie said. 



On three they turned and ran, and the endo started chasing them again. They turned back to face it and it stopped. 

"Huh. So that IS how they work. Weird." said Eloise. 

"I don't like seeing how I look on the inside... it makes me queasy..." Bonnie said with a shiver. 

"All the posters in here... they must be training these endos to be kind to children if an animatronic ever needed to be... replaced." There were many more posters in this hallway, including an endo giving a bleeding child a band-aid, and another giving a kid a piggy-back ride. 

As they started backing away from the endo, Eloise thought she heard the same strange laughter from the basement. That unnatural, disturbing giggle. 

It almost sounded... glitchy. 

"What was that?" She whispered. 

Suddenly, they heard more endos running in the halls, their loud metallic footsteps quickly getting closer. 

"What should we do? We can't look at all of them at once!" shouted Eloise, looking around the dark hallways. 

"uh... umm... RUN!" yelled Bonnie. 

As they bolted from one door to the next, they could hear the endos running all around them. After many twists and turns, they came to a flight of stairs. 

"GO GO GO!" Cried Bonnie as they ran up the stairs as fast as they could. 

"I can't... keep... running!" gasped Eloise. 

Bonnie ran back and scooped her into his arms, and kept running. 

"Don't look down..." said Bonnie. 

Eloise *immediately* looked and she gasped as what looked like somehow hundreds of bare endos out for blood almost to the stairs, chasing after them. 

She gasped and dug her face into Bonnie's shoulder. He put his arms around her, keeping her safe. 

The stairs were shaking now, the thumping of the deadly robots like thunder on the metal stairs. Thankfully, Bonnie could run faster and jump much higher than the endos, they soon got way ahead of them. 

"I can see a door up ahead! We're gonna make it!" yelled Bonnie. 

At last, they reached the door, and Bonnie put Eloise down. They pushed and pulled the door, but it wouldn't budge. 

"It's locked!" screamed Eloise. 

Bonnie looked devastated and slowly sank to the floor. The footsteps of the endos sounded like rain, slowly getting louder. Eloise started crying. 

"No! We can't give up now! Please! Keep pushing!" she said with a sob. 

Bonnie sat on the floor. 

"I... I am so sorry, Eloise. I failed you. I failed your brother. I failed everyone. I thought this was a shortcut. I'm so stupid. This is all my fault... I've never even seen this place before! I don't know what these things are!" said Bonnie with his face in his arms. 

"You never should have trusted me." Eloise looked around desperately. 

"No, Bonnie! We can still do this!" 

Eloise noticed the padlock keeping the door shut. 

"Do you have anything I can use to pick a lock!?" 

"No." Bonnie was still in the corner with his face in his arms. 

"Just give up, Eloise. We're done for." 

The endo skeletons .were approaching fast. Eloise was quickly checking all her pockets. 

"There has to be something... I KNOW!" she yelled. 

"What?" Bonnie said as he looked up. 

Eloise was fumbling with her hair. 

"I have a bobby pin! I can pick the lock with this!" She immediately started at the lock. 

"Hurry! They are almost here!" cried Bonnie as he stood up to help.


"It's unlocked! GO GO GO!

They ran out and slammed the door behind them. Eloise clicked the lock into the other side, and Bonnie started moving furniture in front of the door.


The endos smashed into the other side of the door and after a minute they could be heard walking back down. Eloise slumped onto the floor, gasping for breath. 

"We did it!" she said in between gasps. 

"We made it!" 

Bonnie walked over and sat next to her. Eloise grabbed a water bottle from her backpack and started gulping it. Bonnie looked sadly at the small girl. 

"I'm so sorry I led us in there... this was all my fault... I live here! I should have known better." 

Eloise walked over and hugged Bonnie. 

"We made it, and that's all that matters. What were those things? Where are we now?" 

"I... I'm not sure... something weird really is going on..." said Bonnie. 

"Uh... We seem to be overlooking FazerBlast." 

Eloise stood up and walked over to the nearby balcony. Looking down she could see lots of bright neon lights, glowing walls, flag points, and STAFF bots wearing helmets and holding FazBlasters. 

"We are. Where should we go now?" she asked, looking around. 

"Well, there seems to be a bridge from here to that room in the middle. Maybe we can get back down to the basement that way?" said Bonnie, also standing up. 

"Good idea, let's go," said Eloise and they started walking towards that room together. 

They just walked in silence for a minute, before Eloise looked at the STAFF bots in the game from up on the platform bridge that they were walking across. 

"The FazBlasters stun animatronics when you shoot them in the eyes. Maybe it would be useful to have one, just in case?" 

Bonnie looked down the balcony as well. 

"That's a good idea. Let's see if we can get one when we get down there." 

They approached the room. Though it was locked, they could still see through the window. Inside was what looked like a stained mattress on the floor in the corner, a "Princess Quest 111" arcade machine, and a table with various half-empty food bags and water bottles strewn around on it. The room was a complete mess. 

On the wall written, in big, scratchy blood-red letters said

V A N N Y.

(Word count: 1049)

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