Chapter Eleven

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(I haven't watched this episode in forever. I literally don't remember anything so this will be inaccurate)

(First Person y/n POV)

I walked into the interview. Ladybug and Chat Noir were already there. I sat next to Chat Noir.

"Camera rolling in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1," a voice called.

"Hello!" Nadia said chipperly. "I'm Nadia Chemak, your host! Today I am interviewing the infamous Ladybug and Chat Noir, with their fellow superhero Scarletta! First of all, we need to talk about the pictures that are ruling the internet right now!"

As Nadia said that, two pictures appeared on a screen. One was Scarletta and Chat Noir kissing, the other was y/n and Chat Noir kissing.

"Chat Noir, what do you have to say to these pictures?" Nadia asked.

"Uh . . ." Chat didn't reply.

"What about you, Scarletta? Any comments?" Nadia continued.

I couldn't think of anything to say, so Ladybug helped me out.

"Don't you think we should be talking more about superhero stuff and less about this drama?" Ladybug questioned.

Nadia ignored her. "Not only that, but Chat Noir has been seen kissing Ladybug as well."

A picture of Chat Noir wearing black lipstick appeared on screen. On top of him was Ladybug, her lips pressed to his. 'That probably happened a long time ago,' I reminded myself.

"Chat Noir, what a player! Scarletta, Ladybug, anything to say?"

"No," Ladybug said. "We're superheroes, not superstars. We didn't come on this show to talk about Chat Noir's, Scarletta's, and my own love life and if that's what you want, we are sorry to disappoint."

Nadia frowned as Ladybug stood up.

"Wait," Nadia begged. "This is what your fans want-"

Ladybug interrupted. "Our real fans would understand that we don't want to talk about this," she countered. "Chat Noir, Scarletta, come on."

I was too shocked to move, so Chat Noir grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the interview.

"So . . ." Ladybug said, trying to break through the awkward silence.

Me and Chat Noir said nothing.

"I guess I should get home," Ladybug said. She started walking away, but suddenly something jumped out of a screen.

"What the hell?!" I asked.

The thing was an akumatisted person. More specifically, Nadia Chemak. She had blue skin and was super creepy.

"I am prime queen," she said to her screen. "And I will get all the ratings."

"What the hell?!" I repeated.

"So, Chat Noir, tell me . . ." Prime Queen said. "Are you and Scarletta dating?"

Chat blushed, but didn't say anything.

"How is that any of your business?" I snapped at Prime Queen.

She ignored the question and answered with one of her own. "How much do you live your fans?"

"Why does it matter?" I asked.

"Would you be willing to trade the secret of your and Chat's relationship for your biggest fan?" Prime Queen wondered.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Who did you hurt?"

Prime Queen tapped something into her watch and a screen appeared with Chloe. She was in a train, and the train was filling up with water . . . fast. (Did that even happen?"

"Help!" Chloe cried. "Ladybug, I'm your biggest fan!"

Ladybug rolled my eyes, whispering to me, "We'd be doing France a favor letting her drown."

"Ladybug! I hate Chloe too but . . ." I said quietly. "We save people. That's our job."

"We save people, not monsters," Ladybug whispered.

Prime Queen raised an eyebrow at us. "Care to tell us what your whispering about?"

"Care to tell us why you're prying into a bunch of people's personal lives for a living?" I replied.

Prime Queen narrowed her eyes at me. "If you make one more snarky comment, I'll-"

"You aren't going to do anything," Chat interrupted. "Especially not anything to Scarletta."

"Guys? I'm drowning over here," Chloe complained. "My clothes and hair are getting all wet! I just did my makeup!"

"Fine," I said. "I'll tell you anything you want if you save Chloe."

"What is your secret identity?" Prime Queen asked.

I knew I couldn't tell her my secret identity. There was no way that was happening. "Pick a different question," I said.

"The water is starting to get high" Prime Queen said. "Soon, Chloe won't be able to breathe. Are you going to save her?"

"Help me!" Chloe demanded.

Chat shook his head and so did Ladybug. Neither of them wanted me to do it, but . . .

I couldn't let someone die.

"My name is Rose Lavillant." I covered my mouth. "Why did I say that?" It was the first name that came to mind.

"You heard it here first. Scarletta is Rose Lavillant."

Chat Noir and Ladybug both had their jaw dropped open. Both of them were staring at me. Chloe was equally surprised.

"I promised that I would let Chloe go now that you answered my question," Prime Queen said. "But I need one more thing. Chat Noir, Ladybug . . . each of you hand over your miraculous."

"Never!" Ladybug said, finally out of the shock of my horrible lie, meanwhile Chat Noir was still staring at me in surprise.

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug yelled. Red and black polka-dot duct tape appeared in her hands. "What do I do with this?"

"You couldn't have just followed my simple rules," Prime Queen sighed. She pushed me into a screen. Through the screen, I could see Ladybug and Chat Noir also get pushed in.

"It's so cold," I observed. I shivered.

"We're in a freezer," Chat Noir realized.

"What do we do?" I asked. "And how will tape help?"

"I don't know," Ladybug said.

"I can see you," Prime Queen said. She looked at us through the screen. "And until Ladybug and Chat Noir de-transform and hold out their miraculous, you will stay in there."

"We need to use the tape to do something," I said. "Ladybug?"

Ladybug scanned the room. "I have an idea," she whispered. She told us her plan quietly, so Prime Queen couldn't hear.

I grabbed a pizza box and dumped out the pizza, handing it to Ladybug. She taped it over the screen.

"What?!" Prime Queen said. "I can't see you anymore!"

"We de-transformed," Ladybug lied. "Come through the screen so we can hand you our miraculous."

"Fine," Prime Queen said. She jumped threw the screen, breaking the pizza box. I punched the screen hard enough so that it breaked.

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir yelled. He touched the akumatisted item and Ladybug de-akumatised it.

Nadia fell to her knees. "What happened?" Ladybug started explaining it to her.

I closed my eyes. "Touch that," I said. I touched the freezer door, and it opened.

Chat and I left the freezer. I glanced at him.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," Chat agreed.

And then we went our separate ways.

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Just Your Average Teenager (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now