Chapter Five

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(First Person Y/N pov)

I sat in the office. Chloe had gotten of with no punishment - unless you count the two minute verbal warning. Adrien was right. This was so unfair.

Mr. Damocles shook his head. "What are you parents phone numbers?"


"I need to contact them."

I told him my parents numbers and he put on speaker phone.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. Your daughter was caught hurting a student today," the principal said.

"Y/N. Explain," my mother's voice said sternly.

I told her the same story I told Mr. Damocles plus the part where the mayor's daughter didn't get in trouble. She wasn't very happy about that part.

"How is it that my daughter has three days of after school and lunch detention and a permanent mark on their record while another spoiled child gets off with nothing!?" my mom ranted.

"I am very sorry," Mr. Damocles begun. "But there-"

"Don't apologize!"my mother demanded. "Just tell me why the other child has no consequences because they have an important father!"

I felt the tiniest bit bad for Mr. Damocles. He looked so defeated as my mother yelled at him.

And he hadn't even met my dad.

"I understand why Y/N is in trouble! But the other child should also be in trouble! Even more, for that matter! They started the fight! They pushed my daughter! It was self defense!" I could hear my mother begin to get even angrier.

"Can you out the child's father on the phone, please?" Mr. Damocles asked, looking for an escape from my infuriated mom.

"Of course," my mother said, her voice backed to it's normal soft tone. My mom explained calmly what was happening to my father and then handed him the phone.

"What the hell is wrong with this school?!" my father immediately yelled upon receiving the phone. His rant lasted almost a full ten minutes before he stopped to take a breath. Of course, within a minute, he got a second wind and ranted for another four minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Damocles was practically shaking from all the yelling.

"We are very sorry Mr. L/N," Mr. Damocles apologized. "But there is nothing I can do."

"There must be something you can do! You're the one who came up with this idea anyway!" Dad yelled.

My mother's voice came through the phone which meant she must've been sitting next to my father. "Exactly!"

Mr. Damocles looked at the ground as if he wanted to burrow through it.

This went on for around another hour until it finally ended. My parents forced Mr. Damocles to get rid of my punishment since they were getting rid of Chloe's.

"You can go ahead and leave. Third period should be starting," Mr. Damocles said.

"Sorry that my parents were a bit rude," I apologized.

"That's fine. It's fine," he said, more like trying to convince himself than anything else. I looked at him and he looked basically suicidal.

Great, my parents scarred my principal and it's only Friday.

511 words

Sorry it was so short, I explain it in the next chapter.

Just Your Average Teenager (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now