[4] Don't You Shed A Tear

Start from the beginning

She breathes deeply as I stare at her menacingly. The guys are all watching with open mouths like this is a fucking show and her features on her face go from angry, to calm, to terrified. I go to hit her, but she's already on the floor. I snap my head towards Isaiah who has his hand raised.

He hit her.

He stares at her disgustingly and kicks her in the side. She winced and flinched from every kick he gives her. I look at all the guys faces and see that Stoke is the one who's most attached to her already. He looks like he wants to stop Isaiah. I smirk and put up a hand and Isaiah stops kicking her and I sigh deeply.

AN: If you guys don't know already, Isaiah is Wifisfuneral lol :) carry on

"Aw babygirl. I've told you what would happen if you stepped out of line. Consequences. They don't feel good, now do they?" I look at her on the floor and her head shakes a little. I nod slowly.

"Get up." She gets up and lifts her face to me. Her eyes are bloodshot and her slightly swollen cheek from being slapped had hot tears streaming down them. I frown at her.

Tears. I hate tears. I fucking hate them. It shows your weakness. All of your sadness and sorrow drops with every single one.

I grit my teeth and turn away from her trying to calm down.

She can't help it X. She's weak...

I take a deep breath and turn back around. She wipes them away and I laugh dryly.

"No use in wiping them now, we've all fucking seen them. Someone get her some clothes and get her to bed, without dinner. She'll start working tomorrow." I turn around and stomp back up the stairs, leaving everybody shocked.

The guys haven't seen me like this in a long time. I just can't stand it.

I really hate tears...



What the hell? He's that mad because I'm crying? What the hell is his problem?

I hiccup and a hand touches my shoulder. I flinch hard and Stokeley widens his eyes.

"Let's get you to bed.." I nod numbly and go to walk with him, but Isaiah grabs my arm.

"I thought it was clear she sleeps in my room." He winks at me and I cringe from him. Stokeley snatches my arm from Isaiah's grips and glares at him.

"Well, if you got a fucking problem with it, go discuss it with X, but I doubt you wanna go up there and bother him right now." Isaiah glares at him hard and turns around, stomping up the stairs. Stokeley grabs my wrist and we walk up the stairs silently with the other two guys behind us. We stop in front of a door and he laughs.

"My bad, my room is messy." I widen my eyes and he throws his door open. I gag from the smell and plug my nose.

What the fuck is wrong with these guys?

"It's not that bad." He scoffs and I stare at him, then he smiles sweetly.

"You wanna sleep in X's room?" I widen my eyes and shake my head frantically. He laughs and pushes me gently in the room.

"That's what I thought."


Minutes later, I'm sitting in the middle of his bed, with an over large shirt and basketball shorts as Stokeley went downstairs I think. I let out a deep breath and touch my cheek. It still hurts. I rub it tenderly and jump a little as his door opens. He walks in looking suspicious and he closes his door and locks it. His shirt looks lumpy underneath and I stare at him skeptically. He smiles widely and opens his arms over the bed. All types of junk food start falling out. I start laughing and he puts a finger to his lips, shushing me. I bite my lip and he hops on the bed with sweats and a shirt on.

"Well eat up. Don't say I never tried to make life here better for you." I sigh and hesitantly grab a bag of chips. He smirks.

"I didn't drug them you know. Hurry up and eat so I can get rid of the evidence. We're not suppose to disobey X's orders, none of them. Not even the simple ones like not feeding you. So hurry up, that nigga will kill me if he finds out." I nod and open the bag, chomping on the chips.

I can't get X's face out of my mind. He's so lethal looking and the crying thing.

What was that?

I swallow the last of the chips and pick up a honey bun.

Maybe Stokeley can tell me.

I sigh shakily and glance at him.

"Why did X get so angry when I cried...?" I ask quietly and he looks at me and smiled.

"Aye, you talked." I roll my eyes and he frowns.

"Nah, but after living with the nigga for five years, I don't know. None of us do, but I don't want to know, and do me a favor and not cry around him again. I'd hate to see what he'd do to you." He chews loudly on his chips and I frown, thinking about it.

Would he kill me over crying?

Lesson learned, don't cry around X.

Got it.

jay-the-girl kaivvh missmxrningstar

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