[16] Why Can't You Accept It?

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Four Days Left Before The Move...

He ignores me. Up, down, left and right. I just didn't want to see anyone die, that's a little too extreme. I sigh shakily from crying so much. If I'm not being taken home, I don't want to go anywhere else. I don't know anyone else and for X to just give me away?

It's hurtful...

"I feel so stupid..." I frown and look at my hands. Stokeley sits beside me and shakes his head.

"Why?" He tilts his head and I blush furiously. I shrug and Stokeley's eyes widen.

"Do you have a thing for X?" He speaks surprised. My blood runs cold and I swallow hard.

"I do t know, I thought... I just don't know." I sigh heavily as Stokeley wraps an arm around me, pulling me into a side hug.

"J... I know you probably don't want to hear this, but X ain't the relationship type. I've seen the nigga try, he just can't do it." He shrugs and I frown.

"He's just stubborn." I pout a bit and Stokeley chuckles.

"Hell yeah." We laugh together and I have to admit, laughing does feel better than the moping I did the day of and after X went off on me. I stand up slowly, feeling a little better and go to the door.

"I'm going to make a sandwich." I turn the knob and walk out into the hall. A shiver crawls down my spine as I pass by X's room.

How badly I want to go in and beg him to let me stay, but I'm scared of more rejection.

I hang my head a little low and walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

Is it crazy that I don't even feel like running anymore?

I walk into the kitchen and it's empty. I quickly make my sandwich, to avoid running into Isaiah... or X. I put the stuff back, grabbing my sandwich and turn around and bump right into someone. I gasp, more concerned about my ruined food than the body crash. I look up quickly and look right back down to see X.

He knew I was right here, fuck him for treating me like I'm invisible.

I bend down to pick up the wasted sandwich, but his foot comes down on it, squeezing it's contents out. I frown and tears threaten to spill my eyes. The sadness is suddenly replaced with anger. I jump up quickly and his eyes are fixed at me, but I feel as if he's looking straight through me.

"Why are you acting like this?" I whisper harshly. He leans back a little, not saying a word. I run a hand through my hair and groan.

"You've already agreed to kick me out, the least you can do is fucking speak to me!" I clench my teeth together and his face shows no emotions.

I growl and let my natural instincts take over. I slap him, right across the face. His head snaps away from me and he closes his eyes, absorbing the hit. I breathe heavily out of anger and he steps closer to me, making me automatically step back. He smirks at me.

"Oh, so you think you're so tough? One little bitch slap and you feel like you've made a point?" I stare at him with a hard expression.

At least he's talking to me.

"Well what about you? What point are you trying to prove by sending me away? That you can make me suffer? Make me scared? Cause if you haven't already notice, you scare me shitless. What else do you need to prove by sending me away??" I put my hands on my hips, feeing bold and he smiles tightly.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just don't want you around anymore. You're annoying, a nuisance and a dead weight on me. I have nothing else to say to you." He turns, walking out of the kitchen and I shake with anger.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR!" I throw my hands up angrily and he stops, turning slowly to glare at me.

"Why did you come down here then if you aren't making food? You came down here to see me, you like me, I balance out your crazy world. Why is it so hard for you to admit you have a thing for me too?" I blush admitting I have a thing for him and wait for him to answer.

"I have no type of feelings for you Justine and although it's cute you have a little crush on me, you shouldn't. I'm telling you now, we can never have a thing. We are too different." He laughs heartlessly and I frown.

"That's what draws us to each other. Our differences. We balance each other out and you know it. Why can't you just accept it?" I stand feeling myself about to breakdown. His eyes turn hard and he walks up to me, stopping when our torsos touch.

"There's nothing to accept. Stop crushing on every guy who seems nice, you only get hurt." He turns and stalks away, leaving me feeling hurt and shitty. I let the tears slip out of my eyes and stare at the floor.

Why do I have to have these feelings for him?

Innocent little Justine, getting crushed by a bad boy...

Who would've thought?


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