[9] Caught Red-Eyed

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"If they try any suspicious shit, we attack immediately. No waiting for my signal, you see anybody from their group try some shit, you call them out. Understand?" All the guys nod with serious expressions, and I let out a deep breath.

"Okay. Now, I'll remind you all tomorrow too. We just have to be prepared, this is serious shit." I walk away and go into the kitchen to make me a sandwich.

Hopefully the meeting goes well and ends well, I have a feeling that Theo and Zayn are gonna ask for too much this time.

I sigh grabbing my sandwich and walk out of the kitchen. I stop when I see Isaiah and Stoke arguing in the living room, in each other's face. Stoke shoves Isaiah hard, causing him to stumble back. He shouts at Isaiah.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again, nigga! Why you can't just call up one of your hoes, hm?" Isaiah scoffs, grinning evilly.

"Cause they aren't virgins. Justine will be so nice, wet and tight. Come on Stoke, just let me fuck her. She's pretty, stuck here and free! We're just gonna let her pussy go to waste?" I scrunch up my nose at Isaiah.

He's fucking disgusting and just the foulest to be honest.

"You're fucking disgusting. You don't even know if she's a virgin!" Stoke shakes his head and Isaiah laughs.

"Just fucking look at her! Everything about her screams virgin! If you don't let me fuck her, I'll just get her to let me!" He smirks and Stoke laughs loudly, throwing his head back.

"Nigga, you're fucking funny! She wouldn't even let you touch her, let alone fuck her. Fucking dumb ass!" Stoke calms down with his laughs, Isaiah glares at him.

"No, YOU'RE the fucking dumbass! We kidnapped her to be our maid bitch! Why the fuck are we treating her like one of us? First chance the bitch gets freedom, she's taking it and never looking back. Might as well make her life here hell, cause if she ever gets free, she'll turn us all in and our lives will be hell instead." I finish my sandwich and decide to break up their argument. I clear my throat and they both snap their heads towards me.

"That's enough you two. I'm so sick of hearing your fucking whining Isaiah, you need to let it go. You're not gonna rape Justine, so stop pressing the fucking thought." I tilt my head. He rolls his eyes like a bitch, while Stoke smirks. I open m mouth to speak again, but Isaiah throws a bitch fit.

"This is bullshit! She's not a fragile package, she's a bitch with titties, an ass and two legs that spread open! What the fuck you two don't get about that?" I snap at him and stride over. He looks up at me a little and I growl lowly.

"I fucking took her right? Well I say what happens to her and you raping her is not on the fucking request list..." I glare at him. He scoffs and walk pass me, bumping my shoulder.

"We'll see." He stomps up the stairs and I yell loudly after him.

"I'M NOT FUCKING PLAYING AROUND ISAISH!" Seconds later, I hear a door slam and Stoke stares at me in concern.

"Uh, is Justine in your room right now?" I nod and freeze.


I run up the stairs with Stoke behind me and seconds later I open my room door. Of course here's Isaiah, tugging on Justine's jeans. He already has her jacket off. I stride over and snatch him off of her.

"FUCK ISAIAH! I'M FUCKING SERIOUS, NIGGA! GET OUT BEFORE I SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKING FOOT!" He smirks and I pull out my gun that I always have on me and start shooting the floor around his feet. He jumps wildly and finally runs out of my room. I sigh and turn to see Stoke hovering over Justine on my bed. I walk over to him and he sighs.

"She must be really tired. She didn't even flinch." I shrug and blow out a deep breath.

"Well I'm going to bed. Cut off all the downstairs lights?" He nods and gets up, leaving my room. I strip in double time, eager to hit my head on a soft pillow. I turn towards my bed and stare at Justine. She's in a shirt and half pulled down jeans. I then walk over to her.

Might as well undress her and put her in a night shirt, I hate sleeping in my day clothes, it's super uncomfortable.

I grab her small waist and unbutton her jeans, pulling down the zipper and slowly slipping them off her legs. I toss them in the corner by her bags. I wrap my arms around her waist and try to hold her up. She wobbles around like a dead body and I slip her shirt off, tossing it with the jeans. Laying her down, I walk over to my drawer and find a really long t-shirt. I walk back over to my bed and pause, staring at her. My eyes start from her face and run over her, lightly moving over her chest, trail down her flat stomach and for some reason, they linger on her waist and her untouched box. I stare for a long ass time.

What the fuck is wrong with me? She's a virgin, so what?

I rub my eyes and hurry, slipping the shirt on her and covering her up. I turn off my light and climb in the bed and under the covers. I pull the covers up and on Justine and she finally decides to move. She scoots closer to me and I try to back up, but I'll end up falling off the bed soon. She scoots and scoots, until she bumps me lightly. Her small arms wrap around me and her head lays comfortably on my chest. When she stops moving, I let out a huge breath.

What the fuck I was holding it for? She's just a girl, X.

I sigh and close my eyes for the night...



I run through the green field and my skirt flows behind me in the nice breeze. I laugh loudly and twirl around in circles. The grass is green, the leaves on the trees are colorful, the sky is a beautiful canvas of colors and everything's peaceful. No trouble, no problems and no worries. I smile widely and bend over, picking up a beautiful flower. I frown as it suddenly wilts and crumbles into tiny pieces. I gasp and thunder cracks through the sky. Suddenly my perfect dream has become a nightmare. I run through the fief and it starts pouring. I run and run, getting soaked by the seconds. My breathing is ragged, but I still run, not knowing what I'm running from. I stop and look around wildly.

How do I get out?

I don't want to be here anymore. My tears flow freely down my cheeks.

I'm scared...

I want to go home...


I bolt upright and breathe heavily as the crazy dream makes me tense. I put my hand on my heart and a whimper startles me. I snap my head to my side and see the covers moving rapidly. I lean closer and move them aside to see X thrashing a bit.

Is he having a nightmare too?

He's what ruined my dream!

I frown and shake him, he keeps thrashing and I shake him harder. He jolts upward and breathes heavily looking around. Even though it's pitch black, I can still feel his eyes staring at me. I get up slowly and stumble over to the wall, raping it to find the switch. I flip it on and sigh.

"You were having a nightmare, so I woke you up. I hope you're not mad..." I trail off and his head is in his hands. I frown slightly and walk over to him, staring down at him. I then notice I've been undressed and changed. My face blows up at the thought, but I push it aside. I slowly reach out and touch his shoulder.

"Hey... you okay?" He snaps his head up at me and I gasp unthinkingly. He stares at me with red puffy eyes and I can't believe it. He glares at me hard and croaks out.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" My eyes are permanently wide and I take a step back. He stands up quickly and stalks towards me, using a hard tone.

"What the fuck are you looking at Justine?" I can't help myself and I point softly, whispering.

"X... you're crying..."


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