[23] Love Hurts

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The Guy

Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy.

He's always been a handful, every since his poor mommy was killed. Tragic really, as if I give a fuck. I snort looking through Jahseh's medical records, school records and criminal records. Anythw. ing about his life, I have it stored in my files. I slip them back to their respectful Manila folder and put it safely away as my phone starts ringing. I look at the ID and see it's Zayn.

What the hell does he want?

"Speak." I clutch the phone between my ear and shoulder, shuffling through papers. His voice echoed through the line to me.

"Guy... guess fucking what." He spats through the line in an angry tone. I roll my eyes.

"What? This better not be a waste of my time." I keep moving through papers and he breathes heavily.

"Oh it's not, it's about Justine... and X." He speaks X's name with venom and I sit up, grabbing my phone securely, dropping the papers and paying full on attention to Zayn's words.

"Go on..." I grin, waiting for the information and he huffs.

"Well the girl, I told you we got her because she was a virgin. Well I just found out like five minutes ago, she's not one anymore, X gave her us for no reason and get this, he took her virginity the night before we came to get her. He fucking played us, they both did!" He speaks frantically and pissed off. I lean back in my chair and smile tightly.

"Ahh, so X think he has games he can play, huh?" I suck on my teeth.

That boy is nothing but fucking trouble and will always be a boy in my eyes. Never an actual man.

"He's such a fucking bastard. Justine is way too pretty to like him, why did he have to take her virginity? He didn't deserve it!" I can hear the annoyance in his voice and I roll my eyes.

Fucking young horny ass adults...

"He may not have deserved it, but he wanted it. They both satisfied each other's needs, nothing we can do now, she's already spread her legs for him. Suck it up Zayn, you can't bring her virginity back from the dead." I shake my head and chuckle. I sigh and continue.

"So what do you want me to do about this?" I tilt my head, waiting.

It's always something.

"I want you to hurry up and kill him already." He growls lowly and I laugh.

"Trust me, I'm trying and so far I think I have a good plan. With Justine obliviously helping out, X will come running for sure, he's in too deep with her." I roll my eyes at the thought and an idea hits me.

"Actually Zayn... how about you all leave Isaiah and Justine alone in the house tomorrow. I want you, Theo and the rest of the group to make an unexpected visit at X's. Don't start shit, cause they just found out that hit Theo gave them was a setup. Go over there saying how it was a mistake and you guys didn't know either. Don't mention Isaiah being in your group now until at the very end." I grin at my little plan.

"Okay, but you do realize that if we leave Justine with Isaiah, he'll rape her... right?" He sounds so unsure, but I smile even wider.

"Yes I know, it's part of the plan. Let Isaiah rape the shit out of her and do whatever he wants. If he beats her black and blue that adds onto this plan. The more beat up, broken and hurt she looks, the more it will tear at X's cold heart when he sees her. The tear in his heart will then open up a spot for us to get in there and take him down." I nod slowly to myself.

I'm a fucking genius.

"O-Okay then." Zayn stutters like a scared little shit and I sigh.

"Alright. Do what I said and tell Theo tonight. Showtime is tomorrow." I hang up without hearing his response. I toss my phone on my desk and lay back in my chair. I bet everyone tried to figure me out, no one can even get close.

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