[19] Taking It

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How weird is it that we haven't spoken a single word to each other in two days and now I'm allowing him to take my virginity?

How crazy is that?

Or how badly I want it?

My throat is so dry as X steps back a little, to my eyes. He raises an eyebrow, probably surprised by my answer.

"Perfect." He leans down, sealing the deal with a kiss. My breath gets caught in my throat as he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me and walking us away from the counter, out of the bathroom and to his room. When he closes his door and locks it, it's then I realize... things are getting real.

He kisses my lips once more, before setting me on the edge of his bed. I unwrap my arms around his neck and watch him. He turns away from me and discards his shirt and shorts onto the floor. He walks over to his dresser, fumbling around with something. When he turns, my eyes flicker to his hands, where he's holding an aluminum wrapped square.

I'm not that innocent to not know what it is.

My heart skips a beat and he walks back over to me, sitting the condom down on the bed and he drops to his knees.

What the hell?

"W-What are you doing?" I stutter like I have a problem and he flicks his eyes up to mine.

"I'm just going to moisten and loosen you up a bit. Aight?" He rubs his hands up and down my partially dry legs, waiting for my response.

Like I know what that all means though, only one way to find out.

I nod slowly and he grins at me, moving his hands up my thighs. I clutch my towel to me, feeling a heartbeat in between my legs and I watch as X, pushes them wide open, staring directly at the place I've guarded since birth. I'm just becoming aware of how loud I'm breathing, but before I can quiet it down, X dips his head down and gives me a feeling I've never felt before in my 18 years of life. I gasp loudly as his tongue dances around my clitoris and rubs against it, sending sparks straight up through me. I pant out loudly and throw my head back from the sensations.

What's happening to me?

What is he doing to me?

I feel moans escape my body for the first time in my life and we aren't even having sex yet, and that says a lot. I start to feel it between my legs throbbing wildly and it's so sensitive to X's tongue flicking down and around it. I'm getting so aroused, I feel like I've peed on myself due to the moisture I feel seeping out of me. I try to scoot away as his tongue becomes too much for me to handle, but he reaches up, wrapping them around my waist and pulling me closer to his mouth and holding me there. I have no choice, but to squirm uncontrollably and pant like a dog.

I feel something building up inside me and my legs start to shake. X suddenly pulls away and presses down on my clitoris, stopping all of the sensations I was feeling. I breathe heavily, barely able to hold myself up. We haven't even gotten to the real thing yet and I'm already feeling tired. I breathe heavily and he stands, getting right down to business. He pulls down his boxers and I blush furiously. I look away and he clicks his tongue at me.

"Nah, don't look away shorty. Just get comfortable with it, since it's gonna be inside you anyway." He holds the condom and walks closer to me. I widen my eyes as his lengthy friend stares at me. It sticks straight out, almost like it's possessed. I reach out and touch it, quickly pulling my hand back.

I look up at X and he unwraps the condom, rolling it on slowly, covering the whole thing. He leans down towards me and takes my hands away from my towel and unwrapping it, leaving me completely naked. I'd usually cover up, but I feel different with X. He lays me back gently and opens my legs again, standing right in between them. I bite my lip nervously, waiting for the pain. X leans down over my face.

"Justine, look at me. It's gonna hurt like hell at first. You might bleed and you're gonna cry, but it'll be worth it in the end. I promise, just look at me." He leans down and kiss my lips softly, before flicking his eyes down between us and grabbing himself.

I bite down on my lip and look straight at him. I feel him place the head of his member up against my hole and he looks back at my eyes. He leans towards me and I feel like he's forcing himself inside me. My mouth falls open as he leans towards me harder and harder until finally, he slips inside. I gasp out painfully and press my hands to my face.

Not gonna cry, not gonna cry. Oh fuck it, I'm gonna cry.

I breathe heavily as tears stream down my face and I start to feel pressure. I bite my lip again and wince as I feel a pinch and liquid. X moved my hands from my face.

"I'm in, it's done. You're no longer a virgin." I smile tightly and he sighs.

"Aight, now for the fun part." He pulls back and pushes forward again, sliding himself back and forth inside me. The friction is weird at first, but it soon turns into an amazing sensation.

I pant harshly as he starts moving rapidly inside me. I grip the sheets underneath me and X's grunts mix in with my moans. My eyes roll to the back of my head as he grips my hips harder and moves in me deeper. Suddenly, he picks me up in one swift movement and walks across the room with us still connected. I moan loudly as he leans my back against the wall and starts going at it.

Oh. My. Damn.

I'm not even moaning in English anymore, I've officially spoken in tongues for the first time in my life. I grip his shoulders harder as he pounds into me, banging us against the wall loudly. I open my eyes for the first time to see X's eyes, full of lust, staring straight at me. It's not even embarrassing that we're both looking at each other during this moment, cause I now realize that no matter what he says, he likes me. Hell, he may even love me. No more trying to figure it out, cause his eyes say it all.

I feel a pounding sensation speeding up inside of me and a couple of more thrusts from X and I'm completely gone. Spiraling up from my orgasm and then down. X finished right behind me and he clutched me fiercely to him. My damp hair from my shower, is now damp from sweat and I pant, feeling my eyelids getting heavy. X carried me back over to his bed and lays me down, pulling out of me slowly. My mouth falls open and I groan out as he fully exits me. I feel the ache between my legs and it's intense now that he's no longer inside of me, but also my bones feeling like jelly. I sigh tiredly and X plants a kiss to my forehead.

"Now you have nothing to worry about." He pants a little and I frown.

"You're still making me go...?" I close my eyes, waiting to hear his words.

"Yes, I am." His hand brushed some of my damp hair out of my face.

"You're gonna regret it..." I sigh softly before falling into a deep sleep.

Even though he's still making me go, I guess it's kind of worth it now.

Best night since being taken? Hell yeah!


TakenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora