[25] Fighting Back

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What have I done?

I groan as I lay back in Zayn's bed, thinking about what he told The Guy and what's gonna happen to X. I sit up straight as Zayn's room door flies open. He stands looking at me annoyed and grabs his jacket.

"You're leaving?" I frown and he glances at me.

"Yeah. Going out with the guys over to X's place." He shoves things in his pocket and I lighten up at X's name.

"Oh, are you guys taking me too or-" I bite my lip as he snaps his head towards me.

"No. You're staying here... with Isaiah." He smirks and I swear it's as if he knows what's gonna happen if he does that. I scramble to my feet and feel my chest tighten up.

"N-No, you guys can't leave me here with him. Please!" I widen my eyes and he sighs.

"Sorry Justine, not my orders..." He shrugs and goes to the door opening it and leaving.

I start to panic as I hear them shuffling outside of the room, then a lot of feet trample down the stairs and the front door slamming minutes later. My breath quickens and I hear footsteps thudding up the stairs. I act on impulse and fling myself into Zayn's closet. I close the door and sit way in the darkest corner with my mouth covered. I stop breathing when Zayn's room door smacks against the wall.

This is worse than the scary movies.

"Justine! Come out, come out, wherever you are..." Isaiah sings in a horrible voice. I cringe further into the corner. I hear him growl and start shifting through things.

"I know you're fucking in here, Justine! Bitch, I will find you!" He rummage through more stuff and tears sting my eyes.

He's gonna find me and he's gonna rape me...

I take a deep breath, ready to fight for as long as I can. I hear him fling open the closet door and suddenly his eyes darken.

"Found you." He grins evilly and I lean back, kicking my foot out, hitting him directly in the face. He grunts and falls backwards out of the closet.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He clutch his face and I quickly crawl out and pass him. He grabs my leg with one hand and drags me back.

"GET BACK HERE AND GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!" He yells loudly and I shriek and kick my legs like I've never kicked them before. He wrestled with them and soon start throwing punches.

His punches hurt like hell as they land all over my legs, sending a shooting pain through me each time. I whimper as the punches get harder. He suddenly throws his body weight on top of me and I use my hands and start scratching, slapping and punching him everywhere. My scratched land on his forearm, neck and face. He clamps his eyes shut, avoiding getting clawed in the eyes and he starts throwing hits back at me just as wild. I hiss as his nails dig into my arms and grunt as his fist collided with my stomach. My head flies to the side as he smacks me hard.

"OW!" I yell loudly from his slaps across my face and it feels like I'm being branded. I start to get tired, but I tell myself don't give up.

If I'm gonna get raped, at least put up a fight.

I put the rest of my energy into my arms and swing like crazy. My fists land on his nose and lips, busting them at different times. Isaiah's blood trickles down his face and he growls loudly.

"Oh you want to fight for real bitch? I'm still fucking the shit out of you afterwards." He punches me hard in the face and I gasp from the unbearable pain. I blink my tears away and they fall down the corner of my eyes and fall into my ears. Isaiah punches me again in the face, but this time in the eye. I choke out loudly on a sob and though I'm crying hysterically, doesn't mean I'm giving up. I grab fistfuls of Isaiah's hair and pull with all my strength.

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