[2] Lost And Found

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"Why the fuck isn't she waking up!?"

"Shit, I don't know!"

"Well you're the one who drugged her, dumbass! How much did you give her?"

"It all went so fast, I just pushed it all down!"

"You gave her ALL of it!?"

"Well, yeah."

"She could've fucking died!"

"Okay, okay. My bad."

"What the fuck are we gonna tell X?"

"Nothing, she'll be woke by the time he gets back."

"You sure? Cause she's been unconscious for nine hours."

"Well try and wake her the hell up!"

I feel like I'm in a weird dream. I hear people, but don't see them. I attempt to move my limbs, but I can't. You know, like when you want to get up in the morning, but your body doesn't let you? Yeah, that's how I am right now. I hear shuffling of people and all I can do is lay and listen.

"Okay, let's try this, we hit her."

"Isaiah, what the fuck? X said no wounds, I think bruises are included in that."

"No dumbass, I mean we should all lightly tap her."

"Well, you should've been more specific, dumbass. Okay, let's do it."

I soon feel different hands tapping all over me. My body twitches and a voice gasps.

"Bro, she twitched."

"Hold on, I got the rest of this. Back up."

It gets really quiet and suddenly a freezing substance is getting thrown on my face.

My body instantly reacts by sitting up and gasping uncontrollably. I blink rapidly as my eyes come to focus. The outline of four guys are standing in front of me. I widen my eyes and scoot back slowly. One of the guys reach out to me.

"Aye, watch out-" I fall backwards and onto the floor with a thud.

"Ouch." They all snicker and the one who tried to warn me, steps forward and shrugs.

"I told you to watch out." I sit up more and look around.

I'm in a filthy room with four strangers. That pretty much sums it up.

I stare at them and slowly start to shake. I shake so hard that my teeth start chattering. A guy with a durag on frowns.

"She's cold, Ool. Why the hell did the water have to be ice cold?" My eyes dart to the guy with the hazel eyes and a beanie as he scoffs.

"Stokeley, y'all wanted her up and now she's up. Just go get her a damn jacket!" He fires back at him. I mentally take notes; durag is Stokeley, hazel eyes and beanie is Ool. A guy with long dreads leaves out and soon comes back seconds later, throwing a hoodie at me. It whips pass my face and the smell makes me gag. I pick it up and throw it on the ground away from me. Stokeley picks it up, sniffs it and rolls his eyes.

"Robb! This shit smells like straight up weed!" He throws it back to Robb and he shrugs holding it. The same curly headed guy who got me to come to the car to look at his "directions" grin at me.

"Hey sexy, don't you want to get up and get in something dry." He winks, causing me to shrink back from them. Stokeley groans.

"Isaiah, you're fucking creeping her out. Come on, I'll help you out." I frown as he holds out his hand. I squint at it unsure.

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