[15] I Can't. It Cant. We Can't

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I haven't felt this guilty since... my mama was killed.

Justine was right, I was wrong.

These words sound bad floating around in my head, but it's true. I groan quietly as I hold Justine close to me. She cried for a long time last night and I didn't even get upset with her. I should have, with her mentioning my mom, but I left to calm myself down, knowing that she had no idea and that her words seemed harmless to her...

Only if she knew how bad they hurt me.

I try to sleep, but the sun shining into my room is ruining my attempts. I close my eyes and it's no help, all I see behind my close eyelids are images of me walking in on Isaiah finger raping Justine. She looked in pain and he looked like he was enjoying it. I try to ignore the urge to get up and beat his ass, this is my third urge and I can't ignore it this time. I slide away from Justine and slip on a shirt. One last glance at her and I know what I have to do.

Not just for her, but for me too.

I slip out of my room quietly and go over to Stoke's room. I knock on his door, and he doesn't answer. I roll my eyes and barge in anyway.

He's all sprawled out, like a big ass dog would be.

I nudge him twice with my foot and he jumps up wildly out of his sleep.

"X, WHAT THE FU-" He stops as I shush him.

"Shh. We need to beat Isaiah's ass right now." I stare at him eagerly and he frowns sleepily.

"For what?" He scratches his head confused, and I frown.

"He raped Justine last night." His eyes widen and he looks fully awake now.

"What the fuck!? How!?" He looks at me waiting for the details and I shake my head.

"He had her tied up and mouth was gagged, and he finger raped her." I cringe from remembering and Stoke looks pissed.

"Let's go beat this nigga's ass, vro!" He balls his fists tightly and I nod towards the door.

I walk out of Stoke's room with him behind me. We get to Isaiah's room and the door is hanging on its hinges. I push it open and we see him snoring his ass off probably thinking he got lucky. I motion for Stoke to get him up. He nods and grabs his mattress, flipping it over, causing Isaiah to plop out onto the carpeted floor. He winced and looks around in a daze, before realizing what's happening.

"Get your ass up." I smirk and he knows why I'm here. His face drops and he stutters out quickly.

"X-X, Stoke... S-She should be just a piece of ass, let this go. Come on man!" He pleads pathetically and I laugh.

"You're a disgusting piece of shit." I swing my fist, knocking him in the jaw and onto his back on the floor.

I don't stop there though. Lifting my foot, I continuously kick him vigorously everywhere. He tries to cover himself up, but fails horribly. Stoke joins in and it's a kicking fest. I'm so damn angry I see everything red, the reddest of all is Isaiah. I think of how he disobeys me all the time and never really listens to me.

"AFTER THIS BEATING, YOU'RE FUCKING OUT ISAIAH, UNDERSTAND!?! OUT!!" I bend down and start punching the shit out of him. His head rolls around and I see blood dripping from his nose and mouth. I punch him harder as if I need to see more of his blood, as if I want to see more of his blood. I hear gasps and shrieks.

"No stop him, he's gonna kill him!" I snap my head towards the door to see Ool and Robb holding Justine back.

She looks like hell; bruised face, bags under her bloodshot eyes from all the crying. I stop punching Isaiah and stand up slowly. Ool and Robb let her go and she winces from being set on her feet too hard. She doesn't move, cause I take it she's still sore from last night. It's stupid how as soon as I see her I want to change. I want to be different, but I can't. Isaiah is right, she SHOULD be just a piece of ass, but she's not. She's become much more to me and that's a bad thing. I can't get like this with her or with anyone ever. I see her pleading eyes and it sends me off.

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