[11] Most Wanted

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I slip on my yoga pants and tank top, leaving my hair to fall around me. I sigh and stare at X, who's back is towards me.

"Okay, you can turn around now." He slowly turns and quickly looks me up and down, and nods.

"You look nice. Now come on, I have the platters and stuff downstairs. I bought snacks to go on them, all you have to do is hold them and look pretty. Understand?" I nod and he grabs my hand and drags me out of his room.

Downstairs the guys are all hovering over the kitchen table. We walk in and they look over at us. I glance at the table and see guns and knives. I gasp loudly and stagger backwards, and X grabs my arm.

"Relax Justine, these are just for protection... just in case." I stare wide eyed at the weapons and Stokeley slips a gun in the waistband of his jeans and pulls his shirt down over it. I breathe out shakily and he frowns.

"Come on Justine... it'll be okay." He walks over to me and scoops me up in a hug. I gasp from the contact.

No one in this household has yet to show me any nice affection.

I smile a little and hug him back. X clears his throat and we pull apart, he stares at me with a hard expression and nods towards the counters.

"Go place the food on the platters, now." I stare confused at how quickly his mood shifted.

They all leave the kitchen and I walk over to the counter and start placing the food from the containers on the cheap plastic platters. I jump as arms slip around my waist and Isaiah's voice whispers faintly in my ear.

"You know... your ass looks good in those yoga pants. I'd bet it'd look even better with them off." I shudder in disgust as his breath hits my ear and neck. His hands start to roam over my waist, ass and thighs and he whispers 'seductively' to me.

"You and me should get to know each other, I can make you feel good Justine. I promise, let me take you." I widen my eyes and whirl around, facing him. His brown eyes are filled with determination as he wraps his arms around me, lifting me up and onto the counter top. I gasp as he forces his body between my legs and starts by dry thrusting into me hard.

"See, this would feel even better with no clothes on." I gasp out from the force of his pelvis clashing into mine. I try to push him away from me, but he grips my legs harder and thrust faster. He pants heavily, like he's actually getting something from this and I whimper.

Where the hell is X? Only one way to get him...

"X!!!!!" I yell loudly. Isaiah looks at me startled and smacks me first, then clamps his hand over my mouth. I wince from the sting of the slap and X's voice booms out frantically.

"Shit Justine, what the fu-" He stops and I see him over Isaiah's shoulder looking shocked. Isaiah is so into this 'dry hump' to even realize he's there. He keeps dry thrusting me and I cringe from our pelvis's colliding. X finally reacts and shouts loudly.

"ISAIAH!" He jumps back from between my legs and lets go of my mouth. I gasp and Isaiah stammers out quickly.

"She fucking wanted it, X!" I shake my head frantically and Isaiah growls.

"Shut up bitch!" He smacks me again and I fall off the counter, onto the floor. I wince from the contact with the floor and X shouts furiously.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD FUCKING HIT HER, NIGGA!? PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER AGAIN WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, YOU'RE OUT! I FUCKING MEAN IT!" Isaiah rolls his eyes and angrily strides out the kitchen. X sighs and helps me up, I frown and he walks to the freezer and pulls out a bag of frozen corn. He walks up to me and smacks it onto my face and I flinch.

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