[24] What Goes Around, Comes Around

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I walk down the cold dark street. Everyone around me wears dark colors; black and navy blue. I put up my black hoodie and walk along the rest of the people. They must be hurting like I am, they must be here suffering through their own pains too. This is my dreamworld, I use to think what I did to deserve it to be like this but lately, I've just stopped caring. I hear a clash in the alley I'm passing by and I jerk my head towards it. A glimpse of dark curly hair fly around a corner and it's the most colorful thing I've seen here so far. I need to know what makes it stand out in a place like this, so I follow it.

I walk through the cramped buildings and see the dark curly hair floating around more corners. I start to jog, trying to catch up with them. The turns come quicker and it feels like I'm running through a maze. I finally turn one more corner and down a long alley, I see at the end a bright light and the dark curly  hair attached to a petite girl. She runs towards the light and disappears into it, so I follow her. I step through and everything is colorful, a huge green field with a beautiful blue sky, beautiful trees with colorful leaves. I slowly pull down my hoodie and I look at it all amazed. My dreamworld is beautiful again. I've seen this place before... in a previous dream... I know what's going to happen. I know who I'm here to see.

I squint and see a figure twirling in the distance. I walk slowly towards her and my black hoodie falls off, revealing me wearing a white shirt. I concentrate on the beautiful girl, twirling and having the time of her life. I get ten feet away from her and she stops, her back towards me. I close up the space between us and lay my hand on her shoulder. I feel a small smile creep it's way onto my face and the girl turns around and the same time she does, the sun shines brighter, blinding me for a second. I cover my eyes and when I look at her again, she's not the girl I usually see here, not the girl I've been dreaming of for the past few weeks, but the one that I've missed for so long. My eyes widen and I stumble back disbelieved as the familiar face stares at me lovingly, with a hint of disappointment. Her dark curls fall around her face and she's not the dark curly haired beauty I wanted to see here, though I don't mind seeing her here too. She steps closer and reaches out to me.

"Come here Jahseh, don't be scared." Her soft voice like angels and her smile is as beautiful as I remembered. I continue to stare at her with wide eyes and shakily reach towards her. Our hands touch and I feel like I can breathe again, like I had a bad sinus infection and I can smell again for the first time in days. I wrap my arms around her small waist and she hugs me back.

"Jahseh... you're such a great young man. I always knew you'd grow up to be. I miss you baby boy, but I'm not here for a reunion, I'm here to scold you." She rubs my back softly and I pull back, staring at her through blurry eyes. She smiles and reaches up, wiping the weak tears away and I frown.

"You're here to scold me?" I can feel the look of confusion on my face and she nods.

"Yes. You weren't here looking for me Jahseh, you were looking for that girl, but she won't be here anymore." She smiles sadly and I frown.

"Why? She's always here..." I trail off and she nods.

"Yes, but you've pushed her away. Why Jahseh? What are you so afraid of?" She tilts her head to the side waiting for me patiently and I shrug.

"I don't know..." I run a hand through my hair and she laughs.

Sounds like angels singing.

"You're afraid of a change at heart. That girl makes you feel good inside and you like it, but it scares you. She's not trying to hurt you Jahseh, she loves you and you love her back, but you keep pushing her away. You're hurting Jahseh, you have been since I was taken from you, but when she came, she took away some of that hurt with her pureness and innocence. She's good for you and you're good for her. You keep her out of danger and she keeps you calm and sane. You need each other, but you're messing things up. Don't you love her, Jahseh?" She raises an eyebrow and before I can speak, she reaches behind me. I stiffen as the other beautiful curly haired girl holds her hand and walk pass me to her. They stand together and I can't take my eyes off of her. Her brown eyes have pain in them and hurt.

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