Chapter 32: My True Parents

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Nozomi..... Nozomi?.... Wake up?

"Shou....Shouko?, Said Nozomi."
Nozomi got up she was in the Dark place and she didn't know where she was."
She was in her Goddess Form and held the Reality Mirror in her hand with the Kimochi's Gems on it, and Unbroken."
Where I'm I?, I'm I inside Eve?, Said Nozomi."
Nozomi got up her Flowing White Dress and Angel Wings caught her Wonder for a Bit."
This is Beautiful?, Said Nozomi."
Nozomi looked into the Mirror so she can see her face."
I have Yellow Eyes now?, Like a Shadow or Madoka in her Goddess Form, I'm I a Goddess now?, Said Nozomi."

Nozomi, come on this way, you can look at your New form later, hurry!

"Nozomi looked up and saw Shouko In her Original Form, Shouko then Runs Away, Nozomi then Follows Shouko in The Dark Place with only Small Lights around guiding the way.
Nozomi so comes across Fran Bow Dagenhart."

"Fran?, Said Nozomi."
Hey Nozomi you look very pretty, but This Place is Very Dark isn't do you think your mother is somewhere Here?, Said Fran."
It's Possible but I don't know Where this Place is It's sort of Pretty Scary?, Said Nozomi."

"Well You Can't let Fear Get to You, you know you have a really loving family it reminds me of my mom and dad, and I miss them so much, but once this is over i am gonna go back to my Aunt Grace, and I hope you have a wonderful life without fear just like me, said Fran."
Thank you Fran, let's go together, said Nozomi."

"Nozomi and Fran Walk together following the Path of Lights in the Darkest they hear Running coming up ahead then Pegasus Seiya sees them."

"Fran is that You?....Uh wait, said Pegasus Seiya."
Seiya?, Said Nozomi."
Nozomi? that you? look different?, said Pegasus Seiya."
It's hard to explain that, are you alright?, said Nozomi."
"yeah i am fine, everything just so the same i almost got mad at myself just thinking I was going in circles for a moment.... until i found you guys that is, said Pegasus Seiya."
"I see well Don't get Angry all the time right?, Said Nozomi."

"Yeah you Can't Push yourself to hard, anyways sense we found each other, we should stick together while looking for the others.... Wherever this place is? said Pegasus Seiya."
They Continue to Walk together with Pegasus Seiya.
Soon they Heard a Call come out."

"Are you sure we're going the right way!, Said Emma."
We Have to find a way out or maybe Batman or the others should be around here?, Said Robin."
I Didn't see Him Come inside here or remember how we got in here so I don't think so?, Besides I think he's still with Green Hornet and the Lady that Nozomi brought back to life?, Said Emma."
Uh well Speaking of Nozomi?, Said Robin."
That's when they find Pegasus Seiya, Nozomi and Fran."
Seiya, Fran, Nozomi!, Said Emma."

"Hello Robin, Emma, said Nozomi."
Nozomi?......Uh Hello, said Robin he was blushing upon looking at Nozomi in her Goddess Form."
I really thought we wouldn't find anyone else but I am glad to see you guys are alright, said Emma."
Have you found the others yet, said Robin."
No we're just following Nozomi at this point, said Pegasus Seiya."
"Sense we found you guys let's continue doing so, beacuse so far we found Nozomi so walking together will help the others find us, said Fran."

"Nozomi did just that she walks with the others and finds Alice Liddell."
"Well I Was Wondering where you all were, I see you found some of the Others Nozomi?, Said Alice."
Yeah how have you been?, Said Nozomi."
Well, I am sure it's about time I join you to find your mother right?, Said Alice."
Seems like it?, And your very clever on already figuring it out?, Said Fran."
True, it's just the Might of Curiosity, said Alice."

"Nozomi Then Finds Nodoka Hanadera and Rabirin."
Nozomi, Guys-Rabi, said Rabirin."
Hello Guys, It's good to see your all alright, said Nodoka."

"As Nozomi walks with the others they Find Izuku, Aether and Aang as they do come all together they find a checkered path."
Checkered Path?, Said Izuku."
Now this Definitely Sounds a Lot like the Wonderland I know?, Said Robin."
Nozomi.....guys this way it's this way Hurry we haven't much Time."

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