Chapter 20: The Ninth Shard With An Avatar

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"What a Stunning View".
"The Only View I'm interested in seeing is the Avatar in Chains."
"You know the Avatar hasn't been seen for a 100 years, the Chances of Finding him here are very slim."
"First will check each of the Air Temples, then will scour world!, Searching even the most remote locations until we find them."
"Zuko, it's only been a week since you banishment you should take some time to heal and rest."
The only way to regain my honor is to find the Avatar so I will!."

"Toph! Said Katara."
Cure Earth was Behind Toph and The Duke."
Where did you run off!, You need to stay with the Group!, Said Katara."
Well sorry little miss Sugar Queen, I just happened to find this lady with the duke being called an Airbender by Fire Nation Soldiers!, Said Toph."

"Katana Looked at Cure Earth."
Who are you?, And why are you being Called an "Airbender" when Aang Is the only one?, Said Katara."
Cure Earth was Confused."
"I don't know what an Airbender is?,
All I did was help a family for these mean people, and used my Air bottle to stop them on my Windy Harp, my name is Asumi but when I'm like this I'm called Cure Earth, and this is Latte said Cure Earth."
Arf, said Latte."
Uh, Cure Earth?, Huh? Said Katara."

"Earth!, Latte! Said Cure Grace."
The others show up."
There you are we thought we lost you!, Said Paimon."
Oh it seems you found your friends or they found you?, Said Toph."
"Well if that's over, see?.....wait what are you guys, said Katara."
The others then shown up."
What's going on over here?, Said Aang."
Aang the Avatar saw Nozomi poking her head out behind Souta."
Hello there, where do you come from?, Said Aang."
Nozomi didn't say anything."
She's Nozomi, I'm Souta and these are Our friends, said Souta."

"Yeah I think they can see that?, Said Rosaria."
What's with you floatie mini kids?, Said Sokka pointing at Paimon and Amanozako."
We're not Mini Kids!, Said Paimon."
After explaining themselves."
They met Team avatar, and found out who they were, and what was going on here.
The Fire Nation?, So there these bad guys that can use Fire?, Said Fran."
You can say that, said Katara."
Where are you guys going?, Said Emma."
We're heading to the Western Air Temple to hide said The Duke."

"Western Air Temple?, Said Venti."
You don't seem to be from here, where do you come from you seem suspicious!, Said Sokka."
Sokka would you cut it out!, Said Katara."
We come from a different world, said Nozomi." A Different World?, Said Sokka."
Sokka then laughs."
You can't be serious!, Said Sokka."
Actually no they are not lying?, Said Toph."
How do you know that, said Phoenix Ikki."
Who said that?, Said Toph."
My brother said it, said Andromeda Shun."

"Well I am blind, and you guys are new to me, so I didn't recognize his voice to "Phoenix Ikki", I am an Earthbender, which means I can do this, said Toph."
Toph Did Earthbending by making a Rock trip Sokka."
Agh!, Toph! Said Sokka."
Whoa?, It's like a Geo Vision?, Said Barbara."
Geo Vision?, Said The Duke."
Where were from we can use Elements too, said Jean."
Hey guys the Sun is gonna go down soon, we have to make it to the Temple right Aang?, Said Haru."
Oh right that's, Haru and Teo they are also with us, said Aang."

"I have a friend named Haru, said Ren."
Oh well that's interesting to know, said Haru."
How about you follow us to the Western Air Temple, you can explain yourself more when we get there, said Aang."
So where just gonna let them follow!, Said Sokka."
What you think we're gonna bite?, Said Daruizen."
Yeah Sokka, you think they gonna bite?, Said Toph."
Pegasus Seiya put his hand on his Head Embarrassed by what was going on in front."

"As they Follow the Group, Toph put her foot to the Ground."
Hey it's here I can feel it!, Said Toph."
Uh I think your feet need there eyes checked?, Said Katara."
"All I see is a ravine where we could just fall to our deaths, said Rosaria."
"Actually no Toph Is right we are Here, said Aang."
Sokka looked around and saw nothing so he had shrugged Aang."
Andromeda Shun felt the Ground."
I can feel something underneath us though my Cosmo, could that be the Temple?, Said Andromeda Shun."

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