Interlude IV Captains meeting.

Começar do início

''Even the families know that the more blood the more trouble spills, so evade any civilian fire that said I leave this to the judgment of each captain, if it was necessary I will not do any sort of punishment for the death of civilians, we are here to hunt not to protect people, the same goes for any surrendering enemy we can't take any prisoners so either leave them or finishing them off.'' The commander spoke and everyone remained silent except for Rush that visibly groaned in disapproval.

''If that is all this meeting is completed, you all may leave now.''


''Álright I don't like her tone, but I guess I get it, basically, as long as the job gets done she won't annoy us, well I for my part won't be hurting anyone if I can help it, screw this bottoms-up now.'' Rush Collins took a long drink of his beer, and the four captains were reunited again but this time in the mess hall due to Aurora's insistence that they needed to relax on their day off. Abram was playing with his knife as he took a slice of bread, he was a bit fiddle in a social situation like this.

''I rather just kill the target, nothing good comes from hurting innocent people, none of you are paying me for that,'' Abram spoke and he was given another friendly pat on the back that was way too strong from his friend.

''You said it and what about you two? I hope you guys won't just take advantage.''Rush had waited way to long to speak out now that commander wasn't there anymore.

''We are professionals Mr.Rush pulling complicated operations is something Mr, Cao, and I are more than used to, but I'm not going to go out of my way to protect civilians,'' Aurora replied barely recovering control of her body before Ami started to stuff herself with the potato salad. ''Indeed, we intend to carry our jobs in the most efficient manner whatever that may be, but of course, going in gun blazing on the middle of the street will be terrible and moronic, corpses bring forth attention and that is something we need to evade.''

''You two are so damn cold about everything Is not killing people because it's terrible just enough for you guys seriously?''Rush was raising his voice and Abram poked him on the arm. ''Rush you know they are assassins that kind of went out the window when we started working here.''Abram interrupted him and filled his glass again.

''Hey we are only going after demons, at least we have to try to be humane when we can is not that hard.''He sulked as he took more beer.

''Well, the truth is that I trained for years to be this kind of person, as a member of the anti-devil corps I was expected to carry out my duties with military efficiency when on a mission the objective comes first, we are not heroes or anything like that, but our job is still important and we are the only ones that can see it thought. Still the corps to prefer a clean job.'' Aurora spoke calmly before starting to giggle.

 ''Humans care so much for people that have not even names to them, I wonder how genuine it is almost as if caring was just about looking good.'' Amii finished her lines before reaching to take some meat from Cao's plate with hers being empty. With a fast and precise movement, Cao moved his fork and deflected hers throwing it off her hand, he never bothered to even look at her once.

''I have been an assassin since birth in a sense, my family reached me from a very you age to take a life, they wanted me to exist for that reason alone, sadly I was not made for my desires have always been in learning other things even if father considered my interest to be mere distractions, that said he did teach me that true assassin already fails if they kill a target for free and I do intend to follow such words even if at this point I'm already a disappointment to my parents.''

Devil hunting chronicles of the impossible city.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora