21. (MCU) Peter Parker - Secrets That I Keep (II)

Start from the beginning

"uh, i- well, i'm just gonna follow mj, but nice pectorals peter. glad i was able to see them at," you look down at your phone. "four pm.. this fine afternoon."

he gives you a weird look but keeps his smile on his face, "pectorals?"

you wave your hand dismissively at him and rush to meet your two other friends.

nice pectorals? why the fuck would you say that? anything would have been better than that.. it wasn't even funny.

you take a seat on the couch and turn to ned on the armchair, "what have you been getting into?"

he grins, "well, i just finished all my summer work, so now i'm going to start on the TIE fighter lego set. my mom bought it all the way back in december and i finally have time for it so.. might as well."

mj looks up at the two of you from her spot on the floor, "the real question here is, who's turn is it to pick a movie?"

you furrow your brows in thought. last time was mj, who picked sweeney todd. before her was peter, who picked back to the future. and before him was ned, who made you sit through the notebook. and by sit through you mean absolutely ball your eyes out.

"y/n's picking the movie tonight." peter says, sitting down beside you.

"what's it gonna be then, asswipe?' mj asks, clicking the tv on.

you think for a moment. you could go the easy route and pick something scary so that you had an excuse to snuggle up to peter. but he's a jumper and you'd rather not deal with trying to subtly cuddle someone while they hop around due to a movie. so instead, you go for something classic.

"you guys ever heard of big fish?" you smile.


"i didn't expect it to be that.. emotional." ned sniffs, eyes stuck on the credits.

you laugh through your drying tears, "right? but hey at least it was a good movie."

peter chuckles, head on your shoulder, "good pick y/n. i mean, ned and i liked it. mj's been out since the ten minute mark."

you lay you head gingerly on his, "i don't mind, i did kind of wear her out with all the walking today."

you look at mj, who's sleeping peacefully. her head is on one of may's throw pillows and her legs are up, resting on the armchair along with ned.

"it's not fair i'm going to have to wake the beast and get her all the way to my house.." you grumble.

ned laughs, "i'd say i was sorry for you, but i'm just glad it's not me. anyways, i'm taking a shower. and peter," he looks at his friend. "you better not have used up all of my conditioner. i left it here. i did not give it to you."

peter gives him a look, "i didn't use it, i promise."

with that, ned rushes off to the bathroom. it's then you become acutely aware of the pretty boy leaned against you. it causes you to feel light. the works. butterflies and heated face.

"wanna split the last two fortune cookies?" you ask, trying to hide your hot face from him.

"sure, they're still in the takeout bag in the kitchen. you can grab a drink too if you're thirsty." he smiles, moving to let you up.

you make your way into the kitchen and find the left over cookies. without thinking you slip them into your back pocket. you open the fridge only to gasp in abrupt realization.

the note.

you take the cookies back out and feel. no note.

oh dear god. somewhere out there is your disgusting display of affection.

it could be anywhere.

you groan. where was the last place you had it?

was it the lego store?

it had to be, before you went in you checked your pocket and it was there. and so what if you dropped it there, if anything the employees just threw it away, and maybe that's for the better. you'd probably die if peter ever actually read anything you wrote. you let out a sigh of relief.

everything's gonna be fine, y/n.

you walk back into the living room, peter's hunched over looking at something you can't see.

"i'm back with cookies!" you exclaim, startling him.

he gives you a shaky smile and takes one out of your hand, "ya know y/n.. if there's anything you want to tell me, i'm all ears."

you furrow your brows, "um, well i guess i should tell you that fortune cookies have only about 15,000 unique fortunes. it's not a lot if you take into account how many are produced daily."

he nods and you break open your cookie, "well, go on. what's a fortune cookie without sharing the fortune with your friend." you giggle.

you look down at the tiny slip of paper and pull it from the cookie, turning it over to inspect it.

'nothing is impossible to a willing heart.'

you smile and look at peter, who's staring at his fortune as if it could crumble in his hands at any minute.

"what does yours say, peter?" you inquire, scooting closer to read it.

on the paper, in blue lettering, 'this person's love is just and true. you may rely on it.'

peter looks at you, brown eyes as soft as a puppies. his hair is a little messy but so perfect.

"i read your letter. it.. it was on the couch and.." he trails off.

you suck in air, "oh."

"y/n.. i," he falters, and sighs, "fuck it."

once those words are off his lips, those lips connect to yours. sweet and soft. his hands clutch your face bringing you closer, as close as possible. you feel as though you come to life in his arms. the kiss continues and when he finally pulls away you can't knock the smile on your face off.

"i like you too." he says simply, smile matching yours.

you're about to speak when you hear a gag.


"this couldn't have happened in a different room? i mean, to wake up and see two ninnies eating each others' faces. utterly revolting."

"i thought it was sweet," ned says from the hallway. "my airpods were still playing 'best part' and it really added to the moment. well at least for me."

peter groans, "so you were both watching me.. kiss her? that's so weird."

mj scoffs, "i was forced. ned's just a sap."

your smile doesn't leave your face as you watch the people you love most. sure mj was a little dark, ned was a tad sappy, and sure, peter was a dork. but they were your people.

and most importantly, peter was your person.


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