16: Regret

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I was conflicted. James still loved me, I believed that much. But I just couldn't imagine us together without feeling what I felt that night at House's party.
And now he thinks I'm dating Chase. Wonderful.
I bumped into him on the way back to my car in the parking lot.
"Hey, Byrne, I wanted to talk about that kiss."
I sighed, "Look, Chase, I wasn't thinking and-"
I was immediately cut off by Chase pressing his lips against my own.
His hands were gently placed on the sides of my neck.
I turned my head away, "Robert..."
"Wow, first name basis," he said, smiling.
"It's just, I don't- I guess I just don't feel that way," I trailed off.
He sighed, "Yeah, I gathered. I just thought there might be a chance. Y'know, all things considered."
I pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry, it's just too soon."
"But Wilson and that girl-"
"I know, but he told me himself that he's not happy. I don't want to lead you on, Chase, it's not fair to you."
Chase looked down at the ground, "Friends?"
"Of course."
I gave him a short kiss and then hugged him again, "See you tomorrow. Thanks for everything, you're wonderful."
"Of course, Byrne."
I got into my car and took a deep breath. What a day.
The next morning, I arrived at work surviving on no sleep whatsoever.
I saw Amber and Wilson together from across the room. He was saying something, she was laughing too loud. She kept touching his shoulder and his chest.
I ignored it as best as I could but unfortunately I had to walk directly past them to get to my office.
I tried to hide behind some people walking in the same direction but it failed miserably.
"Doctor Byrne, good morning!" Amber's voice trilled at me.
I attempted a smile, "Hey."
"How's things with Chase. Heard you guys broke up," she smiled and raised an eyebrow at me. I wanted to scratch her eyes out.
"Uh, yeah, well-" I was cut off by someone's arm going around my shoulders and squeezing me.
"No breakups here, we're doing fabulously," it was Chase, "C'mon, Claire, let's go get coffee."
Amber's face had dropped. It could've been an Olympic sport not to laugh at it.
James stared at the ground, almost disappointed.
"What was that, Chase?!" I whispered.
Chase steered me away and started walking me to my office, "Claire, why does everyone think we're dating?"
"I don't know, that's definitely not how last nights conversation went," I whispered.
"Look, I saw Amber talking to you and I figured I might as well help you pretend you're happy," he sighed.
"Robert Chase, I adore you," I gave him a brief side hug and walked inside my office.
Twenty minutes later, someone walked into my office.
"Hey, Claire."
"Allison, hi!" I exclaimed, "Where've you been?"
"In another area of the hospital, I realised we haven't talked in ages," she smiled, then her smile faltered a little, "Claire, look, I heard about you and Chase and-"
"Oh, God, no, Cam it's an act," I laughed.
"He's helping me out by making it look like I'm as happy as Wilson, it's stupid I know."
Cameron laughed, "Yeah, that is stupid."
She sighed, walked over to me and hugged me, "Sorry to hear about everything."
"Oh, it's nothing, people get cheated on every day," I shrugged, graciously accepting the hug.
Cameron laughed, "We should hang out for a while. Your schedule clear for a bit?"
"Thirty five-ish minutes until my next appointment," I said.
"Great, we can go get a coffee and catch up," she smiled.
As we walked down the hall, we saw Amber leaving Wilson's office.
Cameron sighed and looked away.
I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Her shirt was slightly untucked. Hair a little messed up. Yeah, it was pretty obvious what was going on in Wilson's office. Damn sure it wasn't a conference.
Amber caught my eye and winked at me as she walked away. My blood boiled but I ignored it.
Wilson appeared walking out of his office a few seconds later.
He saw me and sort of awkwardly smiled and waved.
I nodded back and looked away.
"God, that was painful," Cameron mumbled in my ear.
"Tell me about it," I scoffed.
We sat down at a table in the cafeteria and I told her about all my news. She told me about her new job in the hospital. Things seemed to be working out well for her. Promotions, a new house. She was happy. I was happy for her.
"So, I assume your dating life is also going better than mine," I joked.
"Yeah, well," she sort of trailed off.
"What's up, Cam?"
Cameron sighed, "You ever have regrets?"
I laughed, "This is me you're talking to. My entire life story is a regret."
She laughed, "Ah, don't say that. It's just... I miss him."
"Just a guy."
I smiled, "I bet he misses you too."
Cameron looked down at the floor, "I doubt he even thinks about me anymore."
"Cam," I laughed, "You are wonderful. I don't know who wouldn't want you. Dude, you're hot!"
She laughed, "How can I tell when he's pretending to be someone else's boyfriend."
My jaw dropped, "Chase?!"
She nodded, "Yup."
"Talk to him, Cam!"
"Oh, please, I see how he looks at you."
My smile faltered, "No. Maybe he's got a tiny crush on me but I've never seen a man pine after someone as much as he wanted you!"
"Really?" Cameron looked up at me.
Cameron smiled, "Maybe I'll talk to him."
"You bet your ass you'll talk to him!"
We got up after a while because Cameron had to drop something into Cuddy's office.
I was so glad to see Cameron again. To have another mature person around for chitchats. As much as I love House, he's not exactly the empathetic type.
Cameron stepped into Cuddy's office.
"Cameron, are you okay?" I ran into the room and almost screamed too.
House and Cuddy were ALL OVER EACH OTHER.

About Last Night - HouseMD FanFiction - James Wilson x Original CharacterΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα