12: Bluff

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(Note: Two parts out today because the last one was quite short! Enjoy!)
Two weeks went by and House had decided to have a poker night in his home.
He decided to invite James pretty last minute, and then invited me by saying, "Bring along any girls you're sleeping with if you have nothing else to bet."
"Thanks, man," I responded, without looking up from my computer.
"Looking forward to it," House called, leaving.
"Look, we don't have to go if you don't want to," James smiled.
"Please, you practically begged him to invite you," I said.
"Darling, are you sure you wanna go?"
"Yeah, it should be fun!" I smiled.
James kissed my forehead, "You're wonderful."
I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go, but I hadn't played poker in years and it's always nice to have a night off work.
So, I put on a pretty outfit and got ready to go.
"Oh wow," James sighed as he saw me walking down the hall to our front door.
"You good?" I asked.
"Maybe we should just stay here," he chuckled, tugging on the hem of my black dress.
"Stop it, we're already a little late," I smiled.
"Oh, so we're a little late," he mumbled, kissing my neck.
I giggled, "James Wilson, what are you doing?"
He traced his hand up my leg.
"Okay, seriously, we gotta go," I laughed, ruffling his hair, "I can't be all sweaty, I'm supposed to be the hot girl you're sleeping with."
"I can guarantee you that you definitely are the hot girl I'm sleeping with," he growled while laughing.
We were about thirty minutes late to House's party. Foreman was there with a woman, a few of the doctors I'd seen around the hospital. There was about ten of us all together.
"I wonder where you guys were," House said, dealing out the cards.
"Busy," I said, bluntly.
"Oh, for sure," House replied, playfully, "I assume that's why you've got that bruise on your neck."
I opened my mouth to answer but couldn't think of anything good, so I just folded my arms and said "Shut up, Gregory."
James smiled at me and sat down.
House finished dealing and we started playing.
By the end of the first round, everyone had folded except for House and I.
"Full House, babe," he said, laying his cards out in front of me, "Get your purse out."
"Wow, House, I'm impressed," I smirked, "To an extent."
I laid out my hand. A Royal Flush.
"Sorry, babe," I smiled.
The group applauded.
At the end of the third round, I had folded and James was still in.
One of the guys raised the stakes and put more money in.
"I raise you Foreman's girlfriend," House said, Foreman rolling his eyes.
I laughed and went to get another beer.
The crate was just outside the door. I wrestled with it for a moment trying to pull the bottle at.
Conversation was still happening in the other room.
"I raise Wilson's girlfriend!"
"Yeah, she's pretty hot, man."
"Which one?" I heard House mumble.
It startled me. What? Did he say "which"?
"Sshh, man, she's right outside," I heard someone whisper.
I stopped fiddling with the beers and listened.
"So, Jimmy," one of the guys trilled, "Who's better?"
"Stop it," it was definitely his voice.
My jaw was practically on the floor. I quietly stood up and took some deep breaths. I felt like my lungs were going to explode. My throat felt sore and I had to clamp my hand over my mouth to stop myself from making any noise.
"I can't believe Wilson's got two going on at once!" one of the guys said, "How come you only brought the eye girl?"
"Yeah, man, where's the baker? What's her name... Olivia?"
Silently, I walked down the hall and out the door. I slumped down against it, my heavy breathing making little clouds in the cold air.
"Stop it, you're fine," I whispered to myself, rubbing tears off my face, "Stop it."
But I couldn't stop it. I walked down the road aimlessly, my heart whacking against my rib cage, my eyes stinging, black mascara making my face look like a Stephen King novel.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go.
So, I went to the first place I could think of. Chase's house.

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