9: Crime and Punishment

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I didn't look back, I just kept speeding away. James was following very close behind, calling out my name.

"Claire? Claire!"

I giggled to myself and started walking faster and faster until I was practically sprinting. I circled past groups of other doctors and lunged into my office, locking the door behind me. James was at the door about ten seconds later.

"Claire? Open up!" he was laughing.

"She's not available right now, can I take a message?" I chuckled childishly.

"Tell Claire to open the door now or else," James knocked on the door.

"Y'know, you really need to work on your intimidation skills, Darling," I joked, emphasising the word 'darling' to annoy him.

"Shut up and let me in, Sweetheart," he teased right back.

"Fine," I sighed, unlocking the door.

James calmly stepped through the door and shut it gently behind him. He turned the key.

I folded my arms, leaned against the wall and smirked. He raised an eyebrow.

"So, how can I help you?" I asked, cockily.

James walked slowly over to me, placed his hand on the wall next to my head and brought his face right up close to mine.

"You do the crime, you do the time," he whispered.

"What, you're gonna sentence me-?"

"Ssh," James cut me off, kissing me slowly. I tugged on his shirt. He held me against the wall with his body, moving his hands down to my hips. My hands ran delicately through his hair.

Suddenly, I stopped everything.

"No, we can't do this here," I laughed.

"What? We've done it here before," he grinned, leaning in again.

I pushed him away and smiled, "You're supposed to be saving lives, Mr. Oncologist."

"I'd risk just about anyone's life for you, Miss Ophthalmologist," James smiled, gently holding the side of my face. He glanced towards the watch on his wrist. "Crap."

"What's up?" I asked.

"I've got a conference with the board in like five minutes," he groaned.

"Awh," I mumbled sympathetically, "more time to steal more stuff from your office. Wait, wouldn't this have been a much better time to take the guitar?"

"I choose not to tell House the exact times of my conferences for fear of this exact scenario."

"Enjoy your conference, loser," I kissed him on the cheek and dragged him by the hand out of my office, him pouting like a child.

I went to House's office after James went off to his conference.

House was wearing shades and doing some riffs on the guitar.

"Wow, a hard worker," I said, shutting the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, see, I heard you need to hire two new people."

House groaned and put down the guitar, "And I was in such a good mood."

"Look, the sooner you do this, the sooner it's over with," I sat down across from him at his desk.

"Yeah, but then there's getting used to them, making sure they're not assholes, and if they are in fact assholes, trying to deal with them."

"Dude, you literally love calling out assholes on their bullshit. And if they're not assholes, you love bullying them. Either way, you'll enjoy it," I rolled my eyes, "Not to mention, you yourself are an asshole."

"Hey!" House faked offence, knowing full well he's not a kindly human being.

"Think it over," I said, getting up and leaving.

"Fine," he mumbled.

I was filing some paperwork in my office that evening when James knocked on my door.

"Claire, I just walked past House's office and saw him... working," James looked confused.

"Yeah, I had a talk with him earlier," I said, only half listening while focusing on the paperwork.

"Oh my God, you're incredible," he said, astonished.

"Uh-huh, yeah," I mumbled, still not fully engaged in the conversation.


I jumped out of my skin, "Yeah, what's up?"

James laughed, "I'm literally in love with you."

I smiled, "I love you too, handsome."

James stooped down towards where I was sitting so that he was millimetres away from my face, "Claire Allison Byrne, I am absolutely and utterly, painfully, gut wrenchingly, yet so happily in love with you."

I looked deep into his eyes and placed a hand on his face, "James, you're my other half. You had me as soon as you gave me those directions to room 22B. I love you more than I thought I could love anyone."

He giggled, "When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."

"Uh, when you first saw me, you had a wife."

"Shut up," he smiled, kissing me.

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