5: They Were Roommates

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I sort of avoided Wilson for the next few days. He kept trying to grab my attention but I'd either pretend to get paged or run into the ladies toilet. Most of the time, I just hid in my clinic office, pretending to be working. 

House paged me on the evening of the third day since the night shift. I made my way down to the meeting room, where the whole team, including Dr Wilson, were waiting.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I sat down.

"It's your lucky day!" House trilled with fake enthusiasm, "You've gotten yourself a surgery!"

I grimaced a little, "What's the issue?"

"Retinoblastoma cancer in both eyes," Wilson said, quietly.

"The patient's name is Henry Greene and he's eleven years old," Cameron told me.

That really sucks. Eye cancer before you're even a teenager. 

"It's really sad," House said, quietly.

We all turned to face him, shocked that he was capable of feeling remorse.

"Poor kid's going to be blind before he even gets to see boobs for the first time." 

"A true tragedy," I sighed, disappointed at how close House just got to being a normal human.

"So, when's the surgery?" I asked after a few moments.

"In an hour, so 11pm," Cameron handed me Henry's file.

"Cutting children's eyes out in the middle of the night? My favourite!" I rolled my eyes and left the room.

At 10:30, I walked down to Henry's room on the second floor to introduce myself to him. If it was me, I'd prefer to get to know the person who's going to be slicing my eyes off, rather than let it be a stranger.

"Hey, Henry," I closed the door behind me and sat next to his bed, "I'm Dr Byrne, I'll be doing the surgery."

"Hello," came the voice of the small boy in front of me. He was quite thin and had a pale colour to his skin. 

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's for the best, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, even if you can't see, you'll be all better. No more tests and gross medicine."

"Thank God," he chuckled, "I hate the tests. My mom wants me to be better so she'll be happy once we're done."

"You're a good kid," I smiled at him, impressed by his maturity.

"Thank you!"

"So, did you meet any of the other doctors?" I said, making conversation.

"I've had Dr Wilson mostly. Do you know him?"

I hesitated, "Yeah, yeah I know him."

"What? Do you not like him?" Henry asked, immediately picking up on my discomfort at the mention of Wilson's name.

"Of course I like Dr Wilson! But that's kind of the problem, I guess," I laughed a little.

"Oh, so you LIKE Dr Wilson," Henry started smirking at me, amused by my troubles.

"Don't tell him, though, remember I'm the one slicing out your eyes!" I wagged a finger at him, smiling.

That made Henry laugh loudly, "Okay, okay, I won't. But you should."

"Well, to add to what's already seemingly very funny, he's married."

Henry gasped. He really seemed to be enjoying all the gossip I had.

We talked for another while until it was time for his surgery.

At 2:30am, surgery was successfully over. Henry had to sleep until morning and he'd be dispatched at noon.

I went home and peeled off my sweaty scrubs and clothes and put on a hoodie and some sweatpants. I collapsed onto the couch and put on the television. Nothing interesting, just a bunch of sports from different countries and random old movies.

There was a knock at my door.

I yawned and walked over to open it. 


Standing in my doorway was none other than James Wilson, only the person I'd been avoiding for the last three days. He was drenched in rain and holding a suitcase. He wasn't happy at all.

"My wife is having an affair."

"Come inside."

He changed into some dry clothes and I made him a cup of tea. We sat down on the couch without making a sound for a while.

"In a way, I was kind of cheating on her too," Wilson chuckled, quietly.

"How?" I whispered.

"Complicated," he sighed, "I'm sorry for piling in on you like this, you were the first person I thought of."

"Stay as long as you'd like," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "But, let me just clear something up, SHE cheats on YOU and get's to keep the house?"

"It's technically her dads."

I sighed, "James, I'm so sorry about all this, you don't deserve to be treated this way."

"What do you need to be sorry about?" he laughed, "you didn't cheat on me with some guy from work."

"Well, it's not like I've been the most polite to you over the last few days," I chuckled softly.

James turned to face me, "Claire, why were you ignoring me?"

I turned to face him and smiled, "Complicated."

We sat there, looking at each other for a few seconds, unsure of what to do next.

"You want a glass of wine?" I asked, randomly.

He shrugged, "Why not?"

I got the wine and the glasses and sat back down on the couch. I will say now, this was a mistake. Not necessarily a bad mistake but a mistake none the less.

After the entire bottle and half of another one, we were both pretty much flat out drunk. 

"Y'know," I said, shaking my glass at James, "I always liked you."

"And I always liked you." He laughed and downed another glass, "In fact, I liked you more than my wife." He whispered that last bit.

"I REALLY like you," I was laughing wildly.

"I love you, have always," Wilson smiled, drunkenly, "Since I got you to the room on the first day."

"Love," I whispered, stupidly.

I stared at him blankly for a moment before slamming myself against him and kissing him messily. Our hands and arms were all over the place. We started unbuttoning and unzipping things and, well, I suppose you get the picture. 

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