13: Son of a B*tch

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I softly tapped on Robert Chase's front door and tried to wipe my mascara stained face with my wrist, only making it worse.
The door opened and he was standing there in a t-shirt and some track pants.
"Hey," I barely whispered.
"What's wrong?"
"Wilson's a two timing motherfu-"
"Okay, it's okay, come in."
I stepped in the doorway, trying to steady my shaky breath.
"Hey," he said softly, pulling me into a hug.
I cried into his shoulder as quietly as possible. The little bubble of denial was breaking and I was suddenly feeling all the effects of what had happened.
"I don't know why anyone would want to do that to you," he whispered in my ear, "You're so much better than that. Better than him."
"Thanks," I whispered back, "Do you mind if I stay here tonight?"
"No problem, I have an extra room. Stay as long as you like."
Chase showed me to the spare bedroom, gave me some dry clothes and went to make some tea.
I put on Chase's hoodie and tracksuit pants, sat down on the bed and took a few deep breaths.
"It's fine," I said in my head, "It'll be fine."
I could see my batshit insane looking face in the mirror on the wall.
My hair was windswept, black lines of makeup were running down my face, my entire face was a light shade of red.
I smoothed my hair down and went to the bathroom to wash my face.
I was feeling calmer. Denial was creeping back in. I tried to keep myself relaxed.
Chase and I sat down at his table with our tea.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.
I sighed, "Well, we were at this party at House's. I went out to grab a beer and I heard the whole thing sort of spill out."
"What did they say?"
"They were talking about how shocked they were that Wilson's sleeping with two women. Some baker named Olivia," I almost retched saying her name.
"Ugh," Chase scoffed, "I didn't realise he was such an asshole."
I shrugged, "He definitely doesn't seem like that kind of guy. At first."
"Hey, listen," he said, "You are one of the funniest, cutest, smartest, coolest girls I have ever met. You deserve someone who... who looks at other girls and thinks 'I'm with Dr Claire Byrne and she's all I need' because you're awesome."
I smiled, "Thanks, dude. You're the best hype man to have in a crisis."
He laughed, "What are mates for? Anyway, you should probably get some sleep. You've had a long day."
"Yeah, thanks so much, Rob," I stood up and hugged him.
"Of course, man," he kissed the top of my head.
Chase was very big-brotherly to me. He was definitely the right guy to go to for comfort.
I obviously didn't sleep well. I got a few hours anyway, then got up and went to work with Chase.
I turned on my phone when I got to my office for the first time since last night and found 38 missed calls from James.
I shuddered and shoved the phone into the drawer in my desk.
"Byrne," a gruff voice yelled outside my door.
"Come in, House," I mumbled.
He walked in and sighed, closing the door behind him, "I should've told you."
"It's okay, House," I said, "you were sort of caught between a rock and a hard place, y'know. He's your best friend, I get it."
House nodded, "Well, I should tell you that it went on for about a month."
"A month?!" I half-laughed, "God, am I just stupid or something?"
House rolled his eyes, "I don't know. I didn't ask questions after I found that much out. I only found out on the day of the party. I'm mad at him now anyway. Told him he was an idiot and that was the end of it."
"I appreciate it," I said, "Thanks."
House nodded and left.
Once he was far enough away, I dropped my head into my hands and groaned loudly.
Then, got up and went to the cafeteria to get some coffee.
As I was walking, I felt this panic feeling rising in me. The denial was breaking again. Emotion was flooding my brain again. I kept my eyes on the floor and tried to keep my breathing regular.
Someone bumped into me. It was a woman coming out of the cafeteria.
"Shit! Sorry!" I yelled out.
"Fine, it's fine!"
I helped her up. She was pretty, a little older than me, very smiley.
"Sorry about that... Dr Byrne," she read my name tag.
"My bad, my fault... uhm-"
"Olivia. Olivia Larson, lady who brings all the pastries to the cafeteria," she smiled.
"Right, Olivia. Olivia?!" I suddenly gasped, "Baker?!"
She nodded, confused.
Wilson's office door opened on the far end of the hall and he froze in his tracks when he saw me talking to her.
"Olivia, do you know James Wilson?" I asked quickly.
"Yeah, he's my boy-"
"Come with me."
"Claire!" Wilson yelled after me.
I grabbed Olivia's hand and dragged her away, speed walking towards my office.
I shut the door and turned towards her, "Okay, I understand that this is strange."
"What's going on?!" the poor woman was flustered.
I felt my eyes well up with tears. I tried to bite down the thought that I've possibly gone insane at this point after only a day.
"Look, there's something you should know."
I told her everything. Tears fell, there were hugs, there were apologies.
Until finally, we realised it's not us that should be apologising.
We were silent for a few minutes, realising the weight of everything.
"Claire," Olivia said quietly, "Can I borrow your jug of water."
She pointed towards a cold jug of water I keep in my office.
"Sure," I said, thinking she was just thirsty.
She picked up the jug and left my office.
I followed after her, confused.
Wilson was standing at the reception desk and saw us walking towards him.
"Claire, look-" he began.
But he did not get to finish. A wave of freezing water from my jug went over his head.
"Son of a BITCH," Olivia yelled.
She then turned and winked at me, and sped walked out of the hospital.
I clasped my hand over my mouth to conceal my laughter.
House appeared around a corner and saw the entire thing. He let out a loud bellow of a laugh.
"Well that was mature," Wilson muttered towards me.
"Hey, I was standing over here, man, I didn't say shit!" I laughed, walking away.
"Claire, wait!" He ran after me and grabbed my hand, "How did you- I promise you she- I love you!"
I choked down on the way I truly felt. Of course I still loved him, feelings don't just leave like that. But I wanted to hurt him in some way. So, I decided to lie.
"Love," I scoffed, "James, honey, I'm 26 years old. Loves not even on my radar. To me, you're just another guy on the list. And a pretty good fuck, to be fair."
"That's not true and you know it," he said.
I could hear the strain in his voice. It broke my heart, "Claire, where'd you go last night."
"Chase's house."
With that, I pulled my hand out of his and stormed off, ignoring the tears stinging in my eyes. I couldn't bear to see the look in his face when I told him where I was. He was not "just another guy". Did I just make a horrible mistake? Crap.

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