14: Cutthroat

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I was almost relieved by the fact that my beat friend, Robin's birthday was the week after the whole Wilson ordeal.
It meant I could go back to Ireland for a week and not have to deal with any of my problems for a while.
As I was on the plane, I thought about what life was like a year ago today. Cold Irish September, I was home in Dublin, doing part time work at a pharmacy, living in a cheap apartment just outside of the city.
Not even the slightest clue that a few months later I'd get a call offering me my dream job in a hospital. Ophthalmology.
I started work in April. It was the next September now. Five months in New Jersey. Four of which were spend being completely smitten by an oncologist.
That was over now. And it was probably a good thing. I reminded myself, again, that I was working in exactly the job I'd always wanted. I shouldn't let some guy ruin that for me.
My week home was wonderful. I told Robin everything. I had told them a lot of it over phone calls beforehand.
"So, do you think I've screwed it completely?" I asked.
"Look, Claire," Robin sighed, "Don't dwell on it. If it's meant to be he'll come running back. If not, you'll have forgotten about this by Christmas."
"You think so? You don't think I'm stupid?"
"I absolutely think you're stupid, but that's not the point," they laughed and hugged me, "You're too much of a people pleaser, Claire, remember to look after yourself."
Robin dropped me to the airport at the end of the week. We had a wonderful time on their birthday.
We did all our favourite stuff. Went to see a movie, then went straight home instead of going out for dinner and ordered Japanese food while watching horrendous old horror films.
I felt unbelievably refreshed coming back to New Jersey.
"Why are you so happy at 7am, Byrne," House muttered ask I walked into work, "How was Ireland?"
"It is just wonderful to see you too, House, I bet you've missed me," I patted his shoulder, "It was a lot like you. Cold."
"I need you on a case," he said, dragging me into his office.
"Ok, what's up?"
"I'm leaving," I turned around to leave.
"No, Byrne, wait," he rolled his eyes.
"He's been acting weird for the last week."
"How weird?" I sat down at House's desk.
"Overly happy for someone who got dumped eight days ago."
"Interesting," I said, "Maybe he's trying to forget."
"I don't know, I mean, he was completely destroyed the day you guys ended. He moved in with me and cried on my couch for a whole night."
"He was crying?"
"Yes, men cry, it's crazy," House pretended to shudder, "Everybody cries."
I rolled my eyes "You don't cry."
I sighed, "Where is he?"
"Probably in his office, why?"
"If you want to get to the bottom of this, you should talk to him."
"Ew, I was afraid you'd say that," he mumbled.
"Well, do you have a better idea?"
"Spying on him."
I thought about it for a moment.
"Sounds fun, count me in," I decided.
House sent me directly up to James's office. My phone was on in my pocket and recording everything.
I took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hey, Wilson," I awkwardly walked into the room.
"Oh, hey," he sort of half-smiled at me, "Good holiday?"
"Uh-huh," I nodded, "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I was angry, y'know."
"Oh, yeah," he smiled, "We're good."
I nodded again, "Totally yeah."
I've broken my leg. I've sat through the third and fourth 80s Batman films. I've stepped on legos barefoot. But this was by far the most painful few moments of my life.
House suddenly walked into the room.
"Byrne, fancy seeing you here!" he said over enthusiastically.
I rolled my eyes, "Hey House."
"Wilson, you look cheery, why's that?" House trilled.
"He's been asking me this all week," James said towards me, "None of your business, House."
"Sounds like an adequate response," I said, leaving.
"Byrne, we are in the midst of an interrogation, you can't just leave!" House exclaimed
"Obviously," I muttered, coming back.
"Look, guys, I don't know if we should talk about it," James sighed.
"Why not?" House leaned closer to him.
"It's... delicate."
"Honey, could you copy these files for me... oh," some woman walked into the room.
House slowly stepped towards her, " 'Honey?' "
James sighed, "House-"
"What do you mean by "Honey", cutthroat bitch?" House grumbled.
"WOAH," I exclaimed at the insult.
House turned towards me, "It's a nickname, I'll explain later."
James sighed, "Amber and I just started... dating."
"Oh," I smiled, trying to laugh, "Well, I think this is my cue to go."
"Why, who are you?" Amber asked me.
"I'm... an ophthalmologist," and with that, I left the room.
House followed after me, "Won't last long. She's a-"
"A bitch? Yeah, somehow I gathered. Nickname was a pretty big hint."
"Look, I didn't realise. I just-"
"It's fine, House," I cut him off again, "I'm just annoyed we didn't get to do more spying. He cracked to quickly. I'm happy for him."
"Yeah, clearly," House said, "I always storm out of the room with a fake smile when I'm happy for someone."
"You could tell it was fake?"
"Very much so."
I groaned, "Why does this have to happen to me? What did I do?"
"Relax, kid, you've done nothing. You'll be fine."
We sat down in his office. Chase walked in a minute later.
"Hey, guys, I need a prescription for a patient."
House started scribbling up the prescription.
Chase welcomed me back with a hug.
"I suppose you might know about Wilson and Crazy Bitch," I mumbled.
"Cutthroat," House corrected.
Chase nodded, "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, man."
I shrugged, "Not much I can do."
Wilson suddenly came around the corner of the hall outside the office.
Which was when I got the worst idea I've ever had.
"Chase," I muttered under my breath.
"Kiss me."
Chase saw Wilson, sighed and said, "Okay, fine. But you're insane."
As Wilson was opening the door of House's office, Chase bent down to where I was sitting and kissed me right on the lips.

About Last Night - HouseMD FanFiction - James Wilson x Original CharacterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora