11: Sympathy

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(Note: Hey folks! Bit of a short one today as I'm a little busy. Sorry for taking such a long break! It's been a bit hectic with school and projects and things. I hope you're all enjoying this story!)
I sat quietly in my office for a while. I couldn't go home because James would be there and I wasn't sure how to talk to him right now.
There was a knock on my door after a few minutes.
"Byrne, open up," I heard House's gruff voice outside.
"I'm thinking, House, please go away."
"I know what you're thinking about."
I stood up and walked over to the door.
"Are you alone?" I asked, "He's not with you is he?"
"Just me, Byrne," said House.
I unlocked the door and, sure enough, it was just House, leaning against the doorframe.
"What's up, House?"
"Look, Claire-"
"Woah, my first name? That's new."
House rolled his eyes and sighed, "Look, Wilson told me you guys fought and I just thought I should tell you to go easy on him."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you can understand he'd be a little... nervous. Y'know, when his girlfriend is hanging around with hot Australian guy. Given the way his divorce went."
I didn't want to admit it, but House had a good point. James has been cheated on. He might have some kind of trust issue now. Even if he and his wife weren't really happy.
"Fine," I mumbled, begrudgingly.
"I mean, look at his first marriage," House went on, "It's not the first time he's dealt with cheating."
"He's been cheated on twice?" I felt guilt rising in me, "Stupid of me. I shouldn't have yelled at him."
"What? No," House laughed a little, "He cheated on her!"
My stomach dropped. House must've seen it in my face. He got oddly sympathetic.
"No, but, he's obsessed with you," he said, "I mean, how long can a guy talk about another person for. Jeez, he can turn any topic into a conversation about you. Claire's so smart, so pretty, so funny." He mocked the last bit a little. It made me laugh.
"Greg, I cannot believe how nice you're being to me," I teased.
House sighed and looked down at the floor, "He's really happy, Byrne," he said after a moment, "So... I guess.... What I'm trying to say is.... Thanks?"
I pretended to look shocked at this gratitude.
"Well, you're welcome," I said, "You realise there is a possible chance you're actually a good person now."
"I know, I was afraid of this," House rolled his eyes and started walking away, "Don't tell anyone about the sympathy or you're fired! Go find him."
I laughed and shut the door.
It was 11pm when I got home. I could hear very light snoring coming from the couch.
"Hey," I whispered, stooping down towards the couch where James was asleep.
His eyes flitted open, "Hey."
"Why are you on the couch, James?"
He sighed, "Generally after fights, I went to sleep on the couch. Is that not-?"
"See, there's a difference," I smiled, cutting him off, "I actually do love you. C'mon, I'm tired, let's go to bed."
"So you forgive me?" he sat up slowly, "We're not, y'know, over?"
"Over?" I laughed, "It was a fight, it happens, we get over it. Welcome to a loving relationship, buddy. I'm afraid you'll be stuck with me for a bit longer."
James smiled, "I love you."
He pulled me into his arms, hugged me close and whispered, "I'm so glad. I don't plan on losing you any time soon."

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