7: The Problem with House

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(Sorry for the delay again guys, I'll try to post as frequently as I can. It's been a busy few weeks. This chapter's kind of short.)

The next couple of days were incredible. James and I officially started dating. Not only that, he was living in my apartment!

Every so often throughout the work day, he'd call me out of my office for an "Important Conference". You can probably guess what that meant. It was a bit of an issue when he tried to pull that stunt while I was in the middle of a laser eye surgery on an elderly woman and almost blinded her, but that's a problem for another day.

Around a week after we started seeing each other, I was working late one night. James had gone home a few hours ago.

I was doing some paperwork and listening to a Bowie CD. The whole floor was quiet except for a few janitors moving around and some doctors coming up and down the stairs. I sipped my twenty millionth cup of coffee and tried to stay alert so that I could finish my work and go home.


A door slammed and I proceeded to drench the sweater I was wearing in coffee. Loud footsteps were clunking down the hall, coming closer and closer to my office.

The door opened and in came House's sunken, tired face.

"Byrne!" he let himself in, "I've got a bone to pick with you."

I groaned, "It's too late for arguments, Greg. You've already drenched a sweater that's not even mine in coffee with your enthusiastic door slamming."

"First of all, who on EARTH said we were on first name basis?!" House tilted his head.

I rolled my eyes, "House, what do you want? It had better be the most important thing in the world for you to be bothering me."

"Let me guess, the sweater is Wilson's?"

"What's your point?"

"Byrne, I don't like you."

"I gathered as much." I sat back in my chair.

"Why are you dating Wilson?" House leaned forward on his cane.

"Well, Greg, when a man and a woman love each other very very much-"

"Why are you with him?!" he interrupted, "And, why did he go to your apartment?"

I suddenly realised the problem.

"House, are you jealous of our relationship or are you just mad that when in a situation of trouble, he chose to come to me instead of you?" I was as gentle as possible.

House sighed and averted his eyes, "As far as I know, my apartment was closer than yours," he mumbled.

I sighed, "House, sit down." I gestured towards the extra chair in my office. He took a seat.

"Look, maybe he came to me because he needed real comfort. I know you guys are close, but you're... not the best to go to if you need real advice," I hesitated slightly, feeling a little mean, "I guess he just needed... some emotional comfort."

House was staring at his cane, "Huh."

I nodded, "He'll come to you about guy things, probably."

"Cool, so I get to leave you with emotional problematic Wilson and in return I get fun and non-depressed Wilson," he nodded.

I smiled, "I guess so."

"Y'know, I may actually approve of you dating him," House seemed astonished.

"Does that not happen often?"

"God, no. Wilson has a weird taste in women. You're the first one who isn't Satan in stilettos."

"Glad to be of service," I laughed.

In a weird way, I was kind of enjoying myself with House. Normally, he's so distant and cranky. We were kind of getting along. It felt nice.

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