6: The Morning After

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(Hi everyone, sorry I've been away for a while, I was getting back into my school routine and there was a lot going on, but I'm going to start trying to update this once or twice a week!)

I woke up to the blinding sunlight shining through my living room window. I groaned and squinted at my ceiling. My head was screaming in pain. I had no idea why I was on the couch, or, better yet, who's couch it was.

I yawned and attempted to sit up but there was something heavy on top of me that definitely wasn't a blanket. The heavy thing shifted slightly by itself and I almost screeched. One of my hands was clasped over my mouth to stop any noise, the other was trying to push me out from under what I had now decided was a person.

I managed to drag myself out from underneath them, falling flat onto my face in the process. I shivered.

'Gosh,' I thought, 'It's a little chilly. Hang on a second-"

There wasn't a single item of clothing on me.


I grabbed a white shirt that was draped over the side of the couch and buttoned it up on myself. I then bent down towards the person on the couch and moved a cushion slightly to see their face.

"HOLY-" I whisper-yelled out loud, practically leaping out of my skin.

James Wilson was lying on my couch. James Wilson was lying on my couch with nothing but underwear on. In that moment, it became very clear to me what had probably happened on the couch.

I threw a skirt on with my shirt and ran out the door to get to work. It was 7:30 in the morning.

When I got to work, I locked myself in my clinic office and pretended to do paperwork.

God, I'm so stupid. How did I become this stupid, I'm a doctor?!

My phone already had several missed calls from James.

I groaned, popped some painkillers into my mouth for the hangover and put my head in my hands.

I figured it'd be safe to leave the room a few hours later. My hair looked quite the mess in my mirror, but fairly presentable. I looked okay other than my shirt. It seemed baggier than it had been yesterday. I decided not to think about it and go get some well deserved coffee.

"Byrne," a gravelly voice came from behind me in the corridor.

I turned around. "Can I help you, House?" I raised an eyebrow, very clearly not in the mood for his crap today.

House stopped and looked me up and down. "Nice shirt."

I rolled my eyes and decided I didn't have the mental strength for the conversation we'd have if I questioned him.

"Thanks," I kept walking.

"It's interesting, though," House called after me, "How Wilson's shirt it suddenly too small, and now yours is seemingly on the baggy side of things."

I stopped dead in my tracks. "What?!" I almost yelled, turning around.

House shrugged and walked away.

I groaned. 'You've got to be SHITTING me!' I screamed in my head.

James was at the cafeteria when I got there. Seeing him was weird. Normally, he'd just be Wilson, that pretty cancer doctor. Today, he was James, the hot coworker who I slept with and is actually living in my god-forsaken apartment.

I took a deep breath and walked up to him standing in the queue.

"Dr Wilson, can we talk?" I said as professionally as I could.

His eyes shifted towards me and he nodded, "So, now you want to talk."

My heart dropped a little at how upset he looked.

"James, let's not do this here," I whispered, "I need to talk to you in your office."

His eyebrow raised a little and he smirked, "You want to go to my office to 'talk'?"

"Shut up and just come on," I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the queue.

We quickly ran into his office, closed the blinds and locked the door.

"So, about last night-" James began.

"Not right now, James, we have a bigger problem," I sighed.


"You're wearing my shirt and, as coincidence would have it, I'm wearing yours."

"Oh... That explains a lot." James realized.

I started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Hey, woah!" James exclaimed, "What are you doing over there?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought you might like to wear a shirt that fits you, dumbass," I gestured towards the shirt I was wearing.

He nodded and started taking his shirt off.

It was silent for a while, just the sound of buttons popping open.

"Last night was really good," James said quietly after a while.

I handed him his shirt, "Yeah, from what I can remember, it was very nice."

James handed my shirt over to me, "It's just that, I haven't really done it in a while."

"Didn't you get the divorce, like, yesterday?"

"Yeah, but, when a marriage is clearly ending, the sexual attraction isn't that much of a thing anymore," James laughed.

I chuckled, "Well, I must say, your performance was very good."

"Why, thank you very much!"

We both broke out into laughter.

"It was different," I said, "It felt more meaningful in a way..." I trailed off.

James was smiling at me, "I understand."

We were standing very close to each other now, shirts still not properly on.

"Do you think it'd still be meaningful if we weren't drunk?" he asked.

"I'm not sure that's something we should find out."

"Why not?"

I sighed, "It feels wrong, we're colleagues."

"We're humans, Claire, this is what we do."

That made me laugh.

James softly took my hand in his. The gentle intimacy of the skin of our hands brushing off each other was enough to make my heart race pleasantly.

He kissed me slowly. My hands went into his hair and his went to my waist. It was most certainly the single best kiss of my life.

Half an hour later, we unlocked the office door. James put the blinds up and I fixed my shirt that was now the right size.

We kissed briefly at the door.

"Well, that was not supposed to happen," I chuckled.

"What a pleasant mistake," he laughed as I turned and left.

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