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"Now I only have the two problems. I don't plan on fixing those any time soon." I shake my head and Loki laughs.

We all ended up in the common room with Sif and The Warriors Three.

I'm sitting on Lokis lap with his arms around my waist and my head resting against his shoulders when I get a vision. When it ends, my eyes go wide. I have never been happier that Wanda can't read my mind. It would scar her for life.

"What was it?" Dad asks.

"Ladies, I need to talk to you. Now."

I get up run out if the room, Nat, Wanda, and MJ following, confusing everyone else.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asks.

"What's gonna happen?" Nat asks.

"I got a vision of what will happen tonight." I smile largely.

There eyes go wide and they smile, grabbing my hands and shoulders.

"Oh my god." They shake me.

"I know!" I nod excitedly. "I'm freaking out."

"There's no need to anymore." MJ chuckles.

"Okay, yeah, that's true." I calm down.

We talk for a little bit longer before going back into the room with smiles on our faces. I sit back on Lokis lap and see the girls laughing.

"Okay. What happened?" Sam asks.

"Girl problems."

"Wanna hear about them?" Nat asks.

Every man in the room quickly shake their head and some yell 'no' while us girls, including Sif and Jane, laugh at them.

"Why do I highly doubt that it was girl problems?" Loki whispers.

"Because, it wasn't. You're the only smart one who realized." I chuckle quietly.

"What was it then?"

"You'll find out later." I reassure him.

He nods and kisses my cheek, earning a giggle from me.

"Do you want to go to the garden?" He whispers in my neck.

I nod and stand up, then turn around, pulling him with me. 

We go to walk out of the room and earn a few 'OoO's from my girls and some guys. I turn around while rolling my eyes and flip them off. My dad bursts out laughing as Loki and I step out.

We get to the garden and walk off, into the woods. Once we see the bridge, we easily climb over the roots, standing in silence for a while, leaning against the railing. He straightens back out while I continue to lean. He places a hand on my back, feeling it slide down lower until, it's near my ass.

"What are you doing?" I suppress a smile.  


His hand continues to slide down and he touches my butt, making me laugh as I turn around.

I jump up and sit on the sturdy railing, grabbing the collar of his armor, and pulling him between my legs.

He leans his hands on the railing around me with a smiles. I put my hands around his neck and pull his face towards me, meeting with an open-mouthed kiss.

I stand back up, our lips still together, and he gently holds my waist. He slowly runs his hands up and down my torso. I lower my arms, going away from his neck, down his chest, and around his waist, pulling him even closer. 

I feel him smile and it makes me laugh, having to pull away. He watches me laugh and when I'm done and I've caught my breath, he takes my hands, interlacing our fingers, holding them near our heads with smiles on our faces. 

A few minutes later we decide to go back to the palace, walking slowly with our hands still together. I make him stop and get on his back so, he can give me a piggy-back-ride. I lay my head on his shoulder while he talks to me, telling me stories about himself and about how stupid his brother is.

We get back to the palace and he sets me down so, we can walk normally. I see that my room is close and tell him I have to use the bathroom. We get in and he sits on my bed. I grab my bag and I go into the bathroom.

Once I'm in there, I strip out of my gown and put on the lingerie set before slipping my dress back on and letting my hair down. I step out of the bathroom, no longer seeing Loki anywhere in the room.

"Where did he go?"

Before I can go looking for him, I feel arms snake around my waist lifting my feet off the floor. I squeal with a laugh and he sets me down. I turn around and playfully hit him on the arm.

"You scared the shit out of me." I try to sound angry but laugh instead.

"That was the goal." He smirks.

I laugh again and we leave the room, looking for the others, finding them in the same place as before, Frigga there, as well.

"Ah, Ruby, there you are." She walks over to me.

"Hey. What's up?" I smile.

"I wanted to see you, that's all."

"Oh my gosh, I love you." I put my hand to my heart with a sad smile.

She laughs and hugs me. I pull away and she tells me she loves me too and I pull her into another hug.

Once she leaves, I sit down with Loki.

"Best. Woman. In the nine realms. I swear. Not even joking."

"You're just saying that because you're her favorite." Thor says.

"And you're just saying that because you're jealous." I smugly smile.

"She's his mother." Jane points out.

"Yeah, no shit, dumbass." Loki rolls his eyes.

"Shut the hell up, Jane." I snap back. "You're only mad at me because I stopped you from slapping Loki. For no reason, might I add." 

"Like Clint said, power couple." Nat nods.

I smile at that and turn to Loki, who smiles at me.

"Can I have my dagger?"

"Are you gonna threaten her with it?"

"No." I smirk.

He laughs and the dagger appears in my hand.

"This really is beautiful."

"That's why I chose it for you. I knew you would love it." 

I thank him again and sit on his lap sideways, laying my arm around his shoulders. A guard comes in a few moments later.

"Odin would like to see all of you."

We stand up and Loki and I take the lead, out the door. We get to the throne room and are all standing in front of the stairs of the throne, waiting for Odin to speak.

"It has come to my attention that it is Rubys birthday today."

I smile and nod and he continues.

"Here on Asgard, we hold celebrations for members of the royal family. I would like to have a ball for you. What do you say?"

"Are you saying that I'm a part of this family?" My brows raise while I nod.

"Yes, I am."

Lokis Angel - Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now