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"I would like to let Loki free through the castle. How do you feel about that?"

"No." Everyone says.

"Yes." I ignore them and they all look at me confusedly. "He's not a threat to us. If he was I would have seen it."

I can see that they want to argue but, they know that it won't work.

"I say yes." Thor agrees, making me smile.

"Fine." Nat and Wanda sigh.

After some convincing, everyone but Dad and Clint agree.

"Guys, I can promise you, he will not try to harm any of us." I say with full certainty.

"He brainwashed me!" Clint objects.

"He was brainwashed, too." I say quickly.

"What?" They all ask.

"Really? None of you knew that?" I nod and the shake their heads. "Wow. Yes. He was brainwashed."


"Yeah, 'oh'." I roll my eyes while turning away from them. "It's a yes." I step forward.

My dad and Clint try to deny but, I just glare at them and repeat what I said with them begrudgingly back down.

"Good." Odin nods. "Ruby, would you like to go with Frigga to go get him?"

"Yes, I would." I try so hard not to jump around in excitement.

Frigga and I walk to the dungeon and I can't stop smiling.

"Loki!" I jump in the cell, accidently startling him.

"What?" He quickly looks at me.

"You're being let out." I grab his hands and pull him up.


"Odin has agreed to let you out if you stay within the castle walls." Frigga answers.

"Really?" He doubts.

"Yes, yes. Lets go." I pull him through the wall as it disappears.

He looks at me with a small smile and I pull him down so that he is out of the white room.

"I'm so excited." I jump as Frigga pulls Loki into a hug.

"What about the Avengers?" Loki warns.

"They're a little bit weary but, they can't argue about the future with someone who sees the future." I nod.

He nods too and I pull him into a hug, my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

We walk through the halls with me holding onto his arm the entire time. Once we reach the doors of the throne room, I let go as to not let them see. The guards open the doors and Frigga and Loki step in while I follow close behind. 

Avengers POV-

We all watch as Ruby comes in smiling behind Loki and Frigga, not getting how she could be so happy. 

Thor goes over to his brother and pulls him into a big hug, Loki just standing there. 

"Brother." Loki greets Thor and He does it back.

Ruby's smile won't go away.

She is smiling at the fact that a man who tried to take over her home planet is being freed.

Either shes crazy or she is just too good.

Ruby's POV-

I know that they are watching me, I just don't care. I finally get to do what I've wanted to do since the second vision I had of him. I know that they don't understand and I don't expect them to. I don't plan on telling them anytime soon either.

Lokis Angel - Starks DaughterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ