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Ruby POV-

Dinner comes around and we order pizza and sit around the common room, Loki and I in my chair. We talk and laugh and Sam and Bucky show up.

"Hey, guys." Steve greets.

They stand next to him and look around before spotting Loki.

"This him?" Bucky points.

"Yes, it is." I glare.

"Alright, alright, calm down." Sam says as they both put their hands up in surrender.

I get another vision and roll my eyes once it's done.

"Dad, Pietro wants to officially meet Ned and Mj, can they stay the night?" I take a bite of my pizza.

"Yeah, whatever." He waves the boys off.

They smile and Peter gets his phone out to tell them to come to the tower.

"These visions can be completely useless sometimes." I complain.

"Yeah but, they saved me." Bucky states.

"And me." Pietro jumps in.

"And the rest of us." Steve points out.

"Well then, nevermind." I shake my head with a smile.

About 15 minutes later, MJ and Ned walk in and just like every time, Neds face lights up at the sight of the Avengers. 

"Dude, I still cannot believe you live with the Avengers." He excitedly smiles making us all laugh.

"And that your one of them." MJ finishes.

"I know, right?" Peter agrees.

We all carry on with our conversations while Peter introduces them to Pietro. I finish my pizza and set mine and Lokis plates on the table beside us before wrapping my arms around his neck again just because, his arms snaking around my waist.   

"What's going on here?" Sam asks.

"Hugging." I answer obviously.


"Yes, it is."

I turn my head to look at them with a glare. They don't look away and I let my wings out to cover me and Loki, so no one can see us. I hear MJ and Ned shout and start laughing.

"That was fun."

I feel someone touch one of my wings and shake it to get them off, hearing them yell in fright.

I gently grab Lokis face and kiss his smooth and soft lips, barely I getting enough.

I let go of the kiss and drape my arm over his shoulders, getting the dagger that Loki got me out of my hoodie pocket before putting the wings away.

"And now she has a knife." Bucky complains.

"Dagger." I smirk.

"'Cause that makes it better." Sam sarcastically nods.

"Yes." I chuckle.

I take off the cover and point it at them two as a joke, then I slide it over to the boys and Sharon, looking scared while the others just look amused. I smile and put the cover back on, tossing it in the air while Loki makes it disappear, both of us acting like nothing happened.

"Power couple." Clint says.

He gets chuckles of agreement from everyone but, Sharon and the boys.


"Yes, Jarvis?"

"You're making Sharon, Peter, and Pietros heart rate spike." He sounds kind of amused.

"Ha! You're awesome Jarvis." I chuckle. "Thanks for telling me."

"You're welcome, Ruby."

"I love Jarvis. Thanks for making him, dad."

"No problem." He amusedly smiles "Y'know? Jarvis was supposed to be my friend."

"Right. Jarvis who's your favorite out of everyone in this room?"

"You, Ruby." He states happily.

"Boom, Bitch."

They laugh and I catch a glimpse of Sharon rolling her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Sharon, what is your problem with me?" I ask with fake enthusiasm. "You've been an asshole ever since you showed up here." 

"You act like you're perfect all of the time. Get over yourself." She scoffs.

"Oh, I am no where near perfect at all."

"Well?" Loki whispers and I have to hold back a smile.

"I do not act like I am perfect. Ever. If anyone is obsessed with themselves, it's you. Scoffing and rolling your eyes at me like a child. Shut the hell up or I make you."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Loki, get me my dagger." I glare at her.

It appears in my hand a second later and her face turns to slight worry.

"I am tired of your shit. Shut the hell up or leave." 

She goes quiet, moving closer to Steve and I feel Lokis body shake with silent laughter. I set the dagger on the table next to me and look at everyone else. 

"Carry on." I innocently nod.

They look away and just shake my head and relax.

"That was great." Loki smiles.

"Thank you."

I curl up and lay my head on his shoulder, staring of into space to remember.

"Holy shit. I'm gonna be 18 tomorrow."

"Holy shit." Dad repeats. "You're old."

"Ha. I don't know what I want to do."

"You could try your first cigarette." Sam jokingly suggests.

"Hell no. I am a literal angel. No, thank you. Plus, that's gross."

They laugh and add some of their own suggestions.

"I don't know what you want to do with them but, me and Wanda are taking you shopping." Nat states.  

"Okay." I chuckle. "I have no problem with that."

"Wait." Ned looks at me. "You said you were an angel?"

"Dude, she said that like five minutes ago." Peter shakes his head.

"I wasn't listening."

"What do you think the wings come from?" I ask.

"I don't know."

We laugh and they continue with the suggestions.

"MJ, do you want to come with us tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." She shrugs. "Sounds fun."

"Okay, good. Better then being stuck with boys all the time."

"Right?" She chuckles.

The boys throw their arms out, looking at her and she just shrugs and goes back to her sketch book.

"We could visit Asgard for the day and stay the night?" Dad suggests. "After you guys are done shopping." 

"Yes! I miss Frigga so much."

"I love that you two get along so well." Loki smiles.

"Get along? I frickin love that women."

Bedtime comes around and everyone slowly leaves the room until it's just Me, Loki, and Thor.

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